Wednesday 30 January 2013

Wednesday 30th January

Well not feeling so great this morning choked with the cold, sore throat and sore ears but I will soldier on so it was off to the dojo to train with Kai Sensei. We started the class off with 10 leg swings forward, 10 sidewards, 10 behind, 10 outside to inside and 10 inside to ouside on both legs. Next we did 40 oizukis on the spot followed by 30 gyakizukis left and then right. Then 40 maigeris on the spot followed by 30 maigeris on the left and then on the right. Next we worked in pairs using the focus pads practicing mawashegeri using front and back legs both side and ushiro mawashegeri again using front leg and back leg on both sides. Next all the sensei's took turn at holding a larger pad and we practiced mawashegeri full speed full power for about 20 sets each leg. I felt sorry for Okamoto Sensei when she was holding the pad as Inada Sensei, Watanabe Sensei, Kai Sensei and Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei did not hold back at all when striking the pad - she is one tough young lady. We finished the class of with kata Meikyo 4 times to the count slow and one time full speed.

I headed off for a Japanese (spicy) curry for lunch in the hope that it would sweat this ghastly cold away before heading back for a hot shower and a sleep in the afternoon. (I did have a wee ice cream on the way back too I have to confess)

I awoke still not feeling great but decided to head to the 7pm class taught by Okamoto Sensei the class started off with leg swings forward, backward, sidewards and outside to inside each to the count of 10 on both legs. We then paired up and done some leg stretching in preparation for the kicking class we were about to commence. We worked in pairs practicing side snap and thrust kick using our partner as a target - we focused on the foot position in particular. Next using the focus pads practicing maigeri (ball of the foot), maigeri (front of the foot), mawashegeri and ushiro mawashegeri. We finished the class with Tekki Shodan to the count three times and then kata of own choice full speed one time only. ( Meikyo Neidan )

It was time for Pizza and Shakeys as I thought I needed some junk food to help feed the cold I had then it was time for bed.

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