Sunday 20 January 2013

Sunday 20th January

Only day I have an opportunity to have a long lye and I am wide awake at 6am nightmare!

No training today as body needs a rest in preparation for Kangeiko next week. Headed out to Ikebukuro to have some lunch and purchase myself a new pair of running shoes for next weeks training I need to at least look the part if nothing else.

Had a nice wee mexican lunch which was tasty and made my first purchase in the ABC Mart which is remarkable considering I have been able to resist the last 7.5 weeks!

Chicken Burrito
Nike Free Running Shoes
My Favourite Store
After a coffee in Drip Mania in Nippori Station I headed to meet Hisashi in Yushima where he lives to have Sunday dinner with him and his wife. Was a nice relaxing evening eating, drinking and chatting.

Headed home around 9pm so I could call back home and get an early night for my 5.45am start tomorrow!

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