Wednesday 16 January 2013

Tuesday 15th December

Headed off the dojo to train with Okamoto this morning it was a quiet class with only myself and one white belt adult student.

The class focused on basic techniques for most of the class. We started with standing on the spot in natural stance punching one count one technique for the count of 30 then the same for maigeri kick on the spot. Then we done the following techniques to the count of 30 for each technique each side. gyakizuki, kizamizuki gyakizuki, maeigeri, mawashegeri, any two kicks. We then practiced front stance, back stance and kibidach stance to the count of two each technique (with towels under our feet) we done these to the count of 8 forward and backward for 3 sets for each stance. We took the towels away and practiced oizuki, sanbonzuki, age uki gyakizuki, soto uki gyalizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki,  shoto uke, maigeri, mawashegeri, keagigeri, kekomigeri. The class finished with 150 sit ups, 200 back extensions, 120 pushups.

It was Karens last night in Tokyo so I decided to take the night off training we were going to do a few bits of shopping, pack her stuff up for the journey home and then head to Hard Rock Cafe for her farewell Tokyo dinner. We ate so much food it was delicious before heading back to pack up Karens final bits as it is an early departure tomorrow morning.

Hot Chocloate Sundae Delicious

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