Friday 11 January 2013

Friday 11th January

It was the first early session at the dojo of 2013 and only two of us in the class myself and Mami Yoshikoshi. Nagaki Sensei taught todays class and I knew it would be tough as there was nowhere to hide.

We started the class off working on the rotation of our hips to the count of 30 each side then we worked on the hip rotation with Gyakizuki then Kizamzuki each punch one count for three sets of 10 then two punches one count again for three sets of 10 - we done this both side. Next we worked on maigeri to the count of two first count to make kick and balance on one leg holding the position then the second count to place leg back and lock in a front stance - again we did this for three sets of 10 then one count for full kick for two sets of 10 all repeated on the other leg also. The next part of the class we worked on oizuki, sanbon zuki, age uki gyakizuki, soto uki gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, shuto uki, maigeri, side thrust and snap kicks forward and backwards up and down the dojo focusing on elbow position, knee position, landing hand and feet together, techniques going direct to the target, solid stances. Focusing on the basic techniques is tough and I have a few things I need to work on to improve my techniques. Lots of feedback from Nagaki Sensei which I appreciate as I came here to train hard and develop so I will need to go back to the basics and fix things out now. We finished the class off with Ninjishiho twice to the count and then one time full speed. At the end of todays class Mami done the dojo code and I was on my own to repeat this and I got it correct and for the first time I felt completely confident. Nagaki Sensei was very impressed and came up to me and the end of the session to tell me so and I felt very pleased with myself as it has been tough to not only learn it in Japanese but to have the confidence to be able to speak it out alone in the dojo.

After lunch Karen and I decided to head back to Asakusa to the temple again because when we went last week it was packed out with all the Japanese people praying at the temple with it being New Year so the main strip and temple area were blocked off. We wondered around and took in the busy atmosphere and looked around the market stalls to pick up a few souveniers.

Main Gate to the Temple

Temple Gardens
Temple Gardens

Market Strip 

We then headed to Ueno for a walk around for an hour to see what else was in Ueno other than the Ueno Park tourist area and we found a nice little Irish bar so we will be coming back here on Saturday afternoon for sure!

It was time for the evening session so I headed back to the dojo to train with Makita Sensei again there were only 2 of us training in the dojo myself and a white belt so Makita Sensei asked me if I was ok to head the class and although I smiled and said yes I was freaking out that I would actually have to do the dojo code at the end of the class with no help! The class started with 50 sit ups, 100 leg lifts, 100 back extenstions, 100 back extensions side to side and 100 push ups. We then worked on front stance, back stance and kibidach stance with towels under our feet to the count of 2 each stance we done each stance forwards and backwards for the count of 8 each way for 3 sets and then two sets each stance one count. In between each stance we then took the towels away and focused on full speed with the stance applying basic techniques. We finished the class off with Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan and Heian Sandan each slowly to the count and then twice full speed. The class finished and it was time for me to do the Dojo Kun and although it was only me and one other student the pressure was on in front of Makita Sensei and Kanayama Sensei but I pulled it off with no error phew!!!!!

Karen came to meet me at Sugamo and we headed to Jonathans for dinner and a few beers and then headed back to have another few in the apartment to finish off another great day in Tokyo!

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