Thursday 24 January 2013

Thursday 24th January - Kangeiko Day 4

Another 7am run then back into the dojo. Before the session started Kagawa Sensei approached me to ask if I was ok and then said that when I came to Japan I was bigger and now much slimmer and he smiled and said good (thumbs up) he said it was because of my hard training. Now Kanayama Sensei stepped forward to teach so I knew I was in trouble after last nights session. We started the class with 50 push ups then kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 30 on the right side then 50 more push ups before kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 30 on the left side. Another 40 push ups then another 30 kizamizuki gyakizukis on the right side followed by 40 push ups and another 30 kizamizuki gyakizukis on the left side. Next we lifted our knee to chest then forward into the lunge position for the count of 30 followed by maigeri lunge forward to the count of 30. Next we did maigeri back for the count of 30 on the left and right side then kizamimaigeri maigeri 10 on the left side and 10 on the right side. Next we did Ju No Kata twice to the count and once on our own full speed followed by Bassidai twice to the count and once on our own full speed. Next with Okamoto Sensei as my partner we done free style kumite for several minutes before finishing the class with 100 sit ups, 50 back extensions, 50 back extensions side to side rotation and 50 leg lifts. Amazing class tough but loved it.

The 10.30am class was taught by Nagaki Sensei we started with kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 30 on both the left and right side. Nagaki Sensei had in previous classes being focusing on my elbow coming off the body before punching and told me that today was much better - so the practice has paid off! Next we practiced the preparation of maigeri kick to the count of 40 each leg then the same for side snap kick and mawashegeri. Next we done maigeri, side snap kick and mawashegeri to the count of 20 (one count per kick) followed by the three kick one count for 5 sets then switched to other leg and repeated. Nagaki Sensei and Yamaguchi Sensei throughout the entire classes were pushing me and helping me to maximise my techniques. We then moved onto to partner work practicing jodan, chudan, maigeri and mawashegeri to the count of 5 blocking and counter attacking on final technique we done this twice. Yamaguchi Sensei then taught Bassidai for the final part of the class again we done twice to the count with Yamaguchi correcting some of my techniques and then once full speed - no pressure with Yamaguchi watching me the entire time. Another fantastic session.

It was time to relax in the afternoon and have some lunch in preparation of the classes this evening.

Before the 6pm class Yamaguchi Sensei approached me to say I was training very hard every day morning and night he looked quite impressed. I think I made a mistake telling him my legs were a little tired though! The 6pm class was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei and Kagawa Sensei. Yamaguchi Sensei started the class with 100 squats then holding in Kibadach stance for the count of 30. Next in kibi dach stance we did 10 oizuki's, 10 double punch and 10 sanbon tzuki's. We then moved on to lift knee to chest into forward lunge for the count of 30 followed by maigeri into forward lunge for the count of 30. ( I do wonder if he would have taught this class if I hadn't told him I had sore legs). Then we practiced oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, gedanbari gyakizuki, maigeri, maigeri oizuki, mawashegeri up and down the dojo to the count of 5 forwards and backwards. Then we finished the basics with kekomigeri, mawashegeri, kizamimawashegeri and ushiromawashegeri up and down the dojo for 6 sets. The last section of the class both Kagawa Sensei and Yamaguchi Sensei held the focus pads and we had to attack the pads as they moved around the dojo for about 12 techniques each time for 10 sets. The dojo this evening was full of laughter both Sensei's were having fun with all the students and was nice to see both students and instructors laugh and have fun whilst training hard.

The last session of the day and session number 13 of the week for me was taught by Matsue Sensei and Kagawa Sensei. Matsue started the class off with gyakizuki to the count of 40 followed by kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 40 on both legs. Next we done kizamizuki gyakizuki maigeri to the count of 20, maigeri kizamizuki gyakizuki for the count of 20 followed by kizamizuki maigeri gyakizuki for the count of 20 then switched and done the same other side. Then we moved up and down the dojo practicing many basic techniques. The last section of the class was taught by Kagawa Sensei where we done partner work practicing only jodan and chudan tzuki attacks with partner blocking age uke and soto uke and counter attack gyakizuki. First up and down the dojo attacking to the count of 5 partner blocking and countering on last technique we done this several times with different partners and then we practiced attack then partner return same attack and first partner counter attack to the count of 5 up and down the dojo for both techniques again with several partners.

Time for bed !

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