Monday 28 January 2013

Monday 28th January

Well a long lye this morning as no Kangeiko so didn't need to be at the dojo until 10.30am.

Headed to the dojo where I met Hisashi for the early training session. Kai Sensei taught the class today so we started with oizuki on the spot to the count of 40 followed by 10 leg swings forward, sideways and then behind for the count of 10 each on both legs followed by 160 squats. Then moving on to do 40 maigeri's on the spot to the count. Next with a 7.5kg weight we done front stance to the count of two each stance forwards then backwards for the count of 12 and then one count one stance to the count of 6 each direction. Then we practiced oizuki forward and backwards for the count of 6 each way followed by sanbon zuki forwards and backwards for the count of 6 each way. Next holding the weight again we stepped forward making maigeri kick landing in front stance and then backward kizami maigeri to the count of 7, next in kibidach we did side thrust kick for the count of 4 forwards and backwards then side snap kick in the same format. There were only three students in the class so we each had a turn in the middle practicing the following exercises to the count of 10 - tobi condi oizuki, any two attacks (arms only), any leg attack, any three attacks (arms and legs). We finished the class off with Gojoshihosho once to the count slow and next to the count full speed. Kai Sensei was helping me with counts 2 and 3 where I need to work on hand and feet landing same time - another thing for me to practice this week.

Some lunch in the apartment before heading off to Tokyo Tower for the day.

The Tokyo Tower opened in 1958 ( the same year Brazil won its first World Cup in Football). The Tower is 333 meters in height and the special observatory is located at 250 metres and it weighs 4000 tonnes. After heading up to the special observatory it was time for a late lunch in the Tower food court before heading back to get ready for this evenings session at the dojo.

Tokyo Tower
View of Skytree from Tower
View of Mount Fuji from Tower
Pizza for Lunch
Baskin Robbins could not resist
The 7pm class was taught by Watanabe Sensei we started the class off with some running and footworks exercises. First we ran up the dojo then backwards returning to the top 6 times, next side stepping 2 times, then side stepping feet crossing forwards and backwards 2 times, hopping on one leg up and back then changing to other leg and hopping up and back, two feet together jumping forwards then returning backwards. We moved on to focus on some basic techniques first we started with kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 20 each side then kizamimaigeri maigeri for the count of 20 each side. Next we moved up and down the dojo for each of the following for the count of 6 forwards and 6 backwards - oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, maigeri, maigeri oizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, shuto uke, maigeri, ushirogeri, side thrust and side snap kick. Finishing the class of with all the Heian katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed on our own.

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