Wednesday 23 January 2013

Wednesday 23rd January - Kangeiko Day 3

7am start again and out for our usual morning run for the Kangeiko.

Afterwards back into the dojo to train with Makita Sensei - the class started with 100 squats in the kiba dach position followed by holding in the kiba dach stance for the count of 30, every exercise thereafter we held the kiba dach stance so it was a hard work out on the legs. We started oizuki for the count of 30, then double punch for count of 30 followed by sanbonzuki for the count of 30. Next we done lifting knee to chest and then landing making oizuki in kibi dach stance for the count of 10 slow then 20 fast. Then we finished with half step over side snap kick for the count of 20 followed by side thrust kick. It was time to practice kata so we focused on Tekki Shodan we done this four times to the count followed by one time full speed. We finished the class with one attack jodan, chudan, maigeri, kekomigeri, mawashegeri, ushirogeri both legs both partner.

I headed back to the dojo for the 10.30am class which was taught by Inada Sensei. I was the only student in the class and as Yamaguchi Sensei left the dojo he smiled at me and said special class ( I was scared ha ha). It was a great class with Inada Sensei where we focused on Gyakuzuki for the count of 20 each side, then maigeri for the count of 20 each side. Next we done gyakuzuki with Okamoto Sensei holding fromt leg so no movement again for the count of 20 each leg. Then we moved onto maigeri with Okamoto Sensei lying on the ground in front of me to ensure I was lifting my knee into the correct position before making the kick again for 20 each side. Next we worked on oizuki, age uke, soto uke, uchi uke, shuto uke forwards and backwards to the count of 6 each way. Okamoto was checking to make sure legs were strong by standing on my back leg, punching and proding my stomach, leg and back muscles to check the stability and power of the techniques. Watanabe Sensei was training alongside me and was being really challenged by Inada Sensei and Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei. Inada Sensei was impressed with the muscles in Watanabe Sensei's legs so much that he encouraged us all to have a feel - wow thats what you call muscles! Next we worked on maigeri, mawashegeri, side thrust and snap kicks all to the count of 5 each leg forwards and backwards up the dojo - each kick we done slow focusing on accuracy and strenghthing our muscles. Inada Sensei told me I was very strong and very good. Next I worked with Watanabe Sensei where we practiced mawashegeri back leg then front leg, ushiromawashegeri back leg and then front leg each kick for the count of 5 slow and 10 our own count switching over each time - he has very strong kicks my arms will tell you that. I finished the class with Okamoto Sensei doing Gojushihosho again she told me very good and very strong. Watanabe and Okamoto Sensei always asking me how to say things in English and then they are practicing so this is good that I am helping them a little too.

Headed to the dojo for the 6pm class to train with Kanayama Sensei and he was in a fierce mood I could tell. Ooft it was a tough one on my already tired legs and body. We start with 60 lunges, 30 knee lift then lunge forward and then 30  maigeri then lunge forward. Left leg in front stance we did 120 gyakizukis switching to the right leg we did 150 gyakizukis as Kanayama Sensei stopped us after the first 30 and told us to start again. Next it was 120 maigeris on the left and then 120 on the right.
Next we moved up and backward doing 40 oizukis, then 40 maigeris. My legs were shaking and I was running out of energy fast. We then moved onto kata to finish the class we did Ju No Kata 10 times one after the other with no break in between. The children stayed on and did it to the count of Kanayama Sensei this was our rest then again we had to do two times full speed to finish the class.

Kanayama Sensei beat me tonight im sad to say and with no energy left it was only one class for me this evening it was time to head for dinner then bed.

Chicken Tikka Masala and Nan Bread

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