Saturday 19 January 2013

Saturday 19th January

Its the weekend and normally I would have two days off from the dojo but decided today I was going to an extra session today.

I headed off to the dojo to train with Watanabe Sensei the class started with some running and footworks exercises. First we ran up the dojo then backwards returning to the top 6 times, next side stepping 3 times, then side stepping feet crossing forwards and backwards 3 times, hopping on one leg up and back then changing to other leg and hopping up and back, two feet together jumping forwards and backwards, two feet together jumping side to side up and back and finally hop twice on one leg then both feet flat switching to the other leg and the same backwards for a set off 3.
We moved on to focus on some basic techniques, each of the following for the count of 30 - on the spot oizuki, gyakizuki on left and right side, switch stance on the spot gyakizuki, maigeri on left and right side, switch stance on the spot and maigeri. Then we moved up and down the dojo practicing oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, maigeri, maigeri oizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, shuto uke, shuto uke nukite, mawashegeri, side thrust and side snap kick. Finishing the class of with all the Heian katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed on our own.

I headed off for some lunch on the way back to the apartment where I watched a game of Japanese football on the TV and had a snooze.

I headed out to meet Kevin at 5pm in Shibuya and we went for a bit to eat and several vodkas just catching up. He is out in Japan until end of July as an exchange student as part of his University programme.

Having a vodka or two

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