Monday 21 January 2013

Monday 21st January - Kangeiko Day 1

Well training session 57 - I arrived at the dojo at 6.45am we headed out for a 20 minute light jog round Sugamo in only my Gi and my new running shoes and it was rather chilly. Afterwards straight back into the dojo to train with Inada Sensei we done some basic training to start 20 gyakizuki's, 20 kizamizuki gyakizuki, 20 gyakizuki kizamizuki then repeat other side. Next we done 20 leg swing to front, 20 to the side and 20 to the back each leg followed by 20 maigeri's, 20 kizamimaigeri maigeri and 20 maigeri kizamimaigeri again each leg. We then done Ju No Kata and all the Heian Katas once to the count slow, once to the count fast and then once full speed no count. We moved on to do one attack jodan zuki, chudan zuki, maigeri, kekomigeri, mawashegeri, ushirogeri both legs both partners before finishing the class with 100 sit ups, 100 back extensions and 50 push ups.

I headed to Jonathans for a light breakfast and to relax reading my book before the 10.30am session began.

Back in the dojo at 10.30 to train with Kai Sensei - we started with 100 squats slowly to the count and then done some stretching exercises to loosen off the legs. We done 20 maigeri's 20 kekomigeris and 20 ushirogeris each leg to the count. Next we moved on do pad work in pairs practicing mawashegeri with both the ball of the foot and the front of the foot for the count of 10 each both legs, next ushiro-mawashegeri to the count of 20 each leg and finally spining ushirogeri for the count of 20 each leg. My partner was Okamoto Sensei and she complimented my spinning Ushirogeri and also encouraged Watanabe Sensei and Kai Sensei to watch and they all paid compliments so very pleased with myself. We worked on the kata Kankudai twice to the count slow and one time full speed. A few parts that need to be worked on but Okamoto Sensei complimented me on the improvements that have come over the last few weeks as I have addressed several things pointed out to me and again it was nice for
this to be noticed at least I know I am going in the right direction.

However, just before the class finished the biggest compliment of all came when Okamoto Sensei pointed out that " I was getting slimmer since being in Japan" RESULT !!!!!!!

Back home to catch a few ZZZZ's before the evening classes.

Arrived at the dojo at 6pm to train with Kai Sensei, before the class started Kagawa Sensei asked me if I would like to attend the Opening Event for the Teikyo Budokan tomorrow - I accepted with great delight. He is very proud of this event I can tell and he was telling me that it would be fantastic day with Teikyo Team demos and Interviews as the television crews would be there to film (not only Japanese but International TV). He told me to bring my Gi so I am going to get to train alongside them - AWESOME!

We started the class of with some basic training before moving onto kumite. We started with partner work doing oizuki jodan attack tobi kondi for the count of 5 with the other partner only blocking the attack and then return it other way, next same attack this time block and counter attack both partners for count of 5. Then both full speed no count. We done the same for oizuki chudan attack also. Then we were to change partner any five attacks other person block counter then return back, we done this with several partners. We moved into groups one person at the front of the line and we were to score a point with Watanabe being the referee, we had to do this with everyone in the line then rotating next person in front it was a fun and challenging class really enjoyed.
We finished the class with Junro Shodan, Junro Sandan and then kata of your own choice.

The final session was taught by Watanabe Sensei again we focused on basic punching and kicking techniques. We practiced maigeri with the back foot against the wall to make sure we were returning our foot into the correct position without shortening the stance - seems such a basic exercise but not so easy I can assure you. We finished the class off practicing Oizuki, gyakuziki switch leg gyakuzuki for count of 10 and mawashegeri on the pads and we done many sets of each always focusing on developing the techniques to be faster and stronger.

60 Sessions completed


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