Thursday 17 January 2013

Thursday 17th January

Well legs a little tender after last night's sessions but it was off to the dojo again to train with Yamaguchi Sensei we started the class holding a 7.5 kilo weight stepping forward and backward each for the count of ten for the following exercises  - step into squat position then push into front stance, maigeri, mawashegeri, back stance, backstance then squat and hold stance position, kibadach, kibadach then squat then hold stance position and side thrust kick. Finished with the weights next with a towel under our feet we had to place our hands on the floor and pull our body holding the towel under our feet at all times up and down the dojo for three sets that was tough! Next it was 50 sit ups, 50 crunches knees and elbows touching, 50 back extensions, 50 back extensions rotating side to side and finally roll the towel up and balance the ball of foot on towel and pulse up and down each leg we done 100! The class finished with kata Yamaguchi Sensei taught Jiin, Nagaki Sensei taught Bassisho and Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei taught Wankan each Kata we done twice slow to the count and once full speed to the count.
I had some lunch on they way back to the apartment and decided to have a relaxing day as I was going to a double training session this evening and needed all my energy.
I headed back to the dojo for the 6pm class which was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei we started the class of with Gojushihosho we done the kata slowly to the count three times and once to the count full speed with Yamaguchi Sensei explaining the kata movements then next we did Kankusho again three times to the count slowly and then one time to the count full speed. We finished the session off with partner work where one partner attacked ten times any attack and then switched to other partner and finally again any ten attacks with the other partner blocking and counter attacking.
Next class was taught by Matsue Sensei we started with 40 Gyakizuki's each side then 40 Maigeri's each leg. We then had towels under our feet and practised front stance, back stance and kibidach stance. For each stance we done first to the count of two up and back eight times for three sets then one count each stance again for the count of eight up and back for three sets. We finished the class doing all the Heian Katas with the towels under our feet once to the count slow, once to the count full speed and one time on our own full speed with the towels removed.
Exhausted it was time for Noodles, Bath and Bed!

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