Sunday 27 January 2013

Sunday 27th January - Final Day of Kangeiko

Today was the final day of Kangeiko so I headed off to the dojo and we headed out for a run at 7am. Today was a litte bit different as we ran to the the Temple to pray and some of the children done some kata at the temple before running back to the dojo so we were an hour instead of our usual 20 minutes. We trained with Kagawa Sensei on our return to the dojo. We started off with 10 forward lunges,then 10 forward lunge gyakizuki, then 10 knee lift into forward lunge, then 10 maigeri forward lunge and finally 10 maigeri forward lunge gyakizuki. Next we did kekomegeri to left and right each time making lunge position for the count of 30. Next we did 40 gyakizukis left side and then 40 rights side followed by maigeri 30 right side and 30 left side. Next we did katas Bassidai and Jion one time each full speed on our own. Partnerwork was next and we did jodan, chudan, maigeri, kekomigeri, mawashegeri and ushirogeri both legs both partners. (my partner today was Yamaguchi Sensei). We finished the class off with 120 squats, 120 leg lifts and 120 back extensions. Finally in kibidach we did 10 oizukis each time with kia to finish Kangeiko 2013.

Kangeiko Complete
After Kangeiko the party commenced at 9am where the 7 students including myself who completed the full week of Kangeiko were awarded a certificate from Kagawa Sensei. We drank beer and ate food until around 11.30am when the party finished. I headed for some lunch and back to the apartment for a snooze after drinking so early in the morning.

Kangeiko Certificate
Late afternoon I watched the Sumo Wrestling it was final day of the Tokyo Tournamant then the Andy Murray Australian Final followed by the Aberdeen and Hibernian Match in my apartment wearing my PJ's with a few Smirnoff Ice.

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