Friday 18 January 2013

Friday 18th January

I woke up knowing today was going to be a challange as I was still tired from yesterday and my body ached but no rest for the wicked it was up dressed and back to the dojo for some more training.
Kanayama Sensei taught the first session today we started with the front of our foot touching the wall and our knee pressing against the mirror in a front stance and worked on hip rotation to the count of 60 each leg. Next we moved back from the mirror and in a front stance done age uki gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, gedanbari gyakizuki then kizamizuki gyakizuki each to the count of ten on both legs. Again back against the mirror and facing to the right side in front stance we practiced maigeri, kekomigeri and mawashegeri each to the count of four per technique and ten times each then turned to face the left side and repeated on the opposite leg.
We finished the class doing both Kankudai and Jion each kata twice slowly to the count and once full speed on our own. Kanayama Sensei was correcting and explaining parts of each kata along the way.
It was nearly the weekend so treated myself to a wee Italian lunch and a wonder round Nippori before coming home for a snooze in preparation of Makita Sensei's class tonight.
I done a little bit of stretching and training in the apartment before heading to the dojo. Makita Sensei really knows how to hurt my legs and I think he gets pleasure out of it too. The class started holding a 7.5 kilo weight doing 90 squats, hold in squat position for the count of 60, 90 lunges, hold front stance for count of 30 each leg, hold in back stance for count of 30 each leg and finally kibidach for count of 30. Next we moved up and down the dojo to the count of 8 up and 8 back doing front stance for three sets still holding the 7.5 kilo weight then we put the weight down and done 8 oizuki's forward and backwards full speed to the count followed by 8 maeigeri's forward and back to count of followed by 8 maigeri oizuki's again forward and back to the count. Back with 7.5 kilo weight we did back stance up and down the dojo for the count of 8 each way for three sets, then without the weights we did shuto uke forward and back for the count of 8 followed by shuto uke nukite for count of 8 forwards and backwards. Final exercise with the weight was kibidach forward and back to the count of 8 for 3 sets then we did side snap kick for the count of 5 each way followed by side thrust kick for the count of 5 each way.
We moved onto kata where we focused on Tekki Shodan we done the kata 4 times slow with the count and 1 time fast with the count. Only myself and one other student in the class he was asked to do Tekki Shodan full speed 3 times and I was to do Sochin three times full speed.
Amazing class but if I am being in honest no pain as yet as I am numb from the waist down which I think can only be a good thing at this time!

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