Wednesday 16 January 2013

Monday 14th January

Its a bank holiday in Japan today - Coming of Age day to celebrate anyone who is going to become 20 in the year ahead and celebrate them coming into Adulthood.

It had been torrential rain all night and when I woke for training the rain was still bouncing off the ground. I wrapped up and braved the walk to the dojo for the first session and on arrival I was told that as it was a bank holiday the schedule had changed as it was the new year seminar today at noon till one oclock followed by an New Year Party. So I wrapped up to head back to apartment and on the walk back the rain was turning to Snow.

Karen and I had planned to go a wee shopping day but the snow was getting heavier so I decided to go back to the noon session and we would make a decision what to do when I returned depending on the weather situation.

I headed back to the dojo for noon and the snow was getting really heavy by this point and starting to lye.

I am so glad I went back to the opening seminar as it was fantastic around 80 people training (all ages all grades) and the Teikyo University team were there training too. The Teikyo team done the Kankudai demonstration followed by the Teikyo team kata demo of Unsu. They were fantastic and it was great to watch the demos and train alongside them too. Kagawa Sensei taught the session and we done some basic techniques, followed by Heian Shodan for the children and Jion for the seniors then we done one attack partner work again children first followed by the adults. The class finished with everyone with the exception of the Teikyo Team to spar with the Sensei's - I choose to partner Kanayama Sensei I was buzzing after this session. Looking forward to all the training in the New Year ahead.

I stayed for a short while at the party but then headed back to the apartment in the now heavy snow which was lying think on the ground. I stopped for a few supplys on the way back some snacks and of course beer.

We decided it was crazy outside so we headed to the seven eleven for some dinner and extra beers and we had a wee party to ourselves.


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