Saturday 26 January 2013

Saturday 26th January - Kangeiko Day 6

Kangeiko has been on average 15 students all week but today it was around 40 so much busier as it is the weekend. It was a bitter cold morning but still out for the 7am run and it was a tough one because it was so cold! Back into the dojo to train with Yamaguchi Sensei and what a fantastic session it was. We started the class with oizuki on the spot for the count of 40 then left leg forward we practiced tobi condi oizuki then slide back age uke slide forward gyakizuki to the count of 5 forward and five back for four sets next the same format changing the block to soto uke, uchi uke and gedan bari. Next we practiced maigeri on the spot for the count of 40 then we done maigeri back kekomigeri forward to the count of 4 for four sets, next mawashegeri back then ushiromawashegeri forward for the count of 4 for four sets finishing off with kekomigeri, mawashegrei, front leg ura mawashegeri and then ushiromawashegeri back leg each set to one count for 4 sets. Next we done partner work jodan, chudan, maigeri, kekomageri, mawashegeri  and ushirogeri both legs both partners followed by free style kumite. We finished the class off with kata Jion two times to the count and then once full speed on our own.

As it is Saturday I had the rest of the day to myself result! I was mega tired and my muscles ached from this weeks training so I decided to have some breakfast after training then head back to relax for the rest of the morning and head out later in the afternoon.

I headed out late afternoon to Ikebukero for a few drinks and a nice dinner. Although I was still really tired so after dinner I headed back for a coffee and was in bed for 8pm. The training this week has really tired me out and I still have kangeiko tomorrow to get through.

Happy Hour Absolute Moscow Mule
Dinner for one

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