Wednesday 16 January 2013

Wedneday 16th December

It was time for Karen to head back to airport after our fantastic 17 day holiday and we made the most of it we have done lots of sightseeing, Disneyland, Disneysea, Sumo Wrestling - it was great!
We head back to the airport at 8am as it takes 1 hour 15 mins by train direct to the terminal on arrival we notice the flight delayed for one hour due to the monday snowfall. We checke her in get her boarding passes and I left her at the security gate to head back to Scotland. I headed back to Nippori alone for the final 6.5 weeks of my adventure.
I headed back had lunch and then just spent the day washing, cleaning and getting myself settled back into my wee pad.
I decided as I had missed last nights session and this mornings I was going to do a double session tonight. On route to the dojo I met Matsue Sensei who appeared to be worried about me he thought I was sick as I had missed two classes since my arrival but I assured him all was well however, I felt like I had been caught out for skiving ha ha. So I headed to the dojo for 6pm class with Yamaguchi Sensei we started with 80 squats, 80 sit ups, 80 back extensions, 80 back extensions side to side rotation, 80 rotating side to side sit ups, 120 push ups. We then done front stance up and backwards to the count of 8 squatting in the middle position to the count of 8 each way for 3 sets followed by the same applying oizuki and then the same for the count of four each way again 3 sets applying tobi kondi. We then done front stance squat in the middle then lift knee to chest before landing in from stance again to the count of 8 up and back for three sets then we done the same again applying maigeri kick and then to the count of 4 for three sets applying tobi kondi.
We finished the class with partner work Gohon Kumite - Jodan Zuki, Chudan Zuki, Maigeri, Mawashegeri and then again the same techniques applying tobi kondi.
The 7pm class was taught by Kanayama Sensei and I was the only student in attendance. The class started off with tube training doing 40 gyakuzukis each side then turning to face the other direction doing 40 kizamizuki gyakizukis again each side we then done 10 maigeri's, 10 kekomigeri's and 10 mawashegeri's each leg again turning to face the opposite directions and repeating the exercise again. Then with the tube around our waist we done khion for the count of 8 forwards and backwards - oizuki, sanbon zuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, shuto uke, maigeri, maigeri oizuki, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki. We then practiced Junro Shodan , Junro Neidan and Junro Sandan to finsh. Was a tough class under pressure to keep up to the count and eyes all on me when perfoming all the Katas each twice at the end of the class. Loved it though but rather exhuasted so its time to rest for tomorrows sessions.

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