Thursday 10 January 2013

Thursday 10th January

It was time to leave the world of Disney
Inside the Monorail
Disney Resort Cruiser
A walk around the shopping mall and a quick bite to eat and it was time to head back to Nippori as it was time for me to get back to the dojo for this evenings session with Kagawa Sensei.
First session back of 2013 and Kagawa Sensei was teaching the class it was a struggle to motivate myself after my holiday but it was time to get back to it for sure! According to Karen anyway but to be fair I think she was just sick of the sight of me and wanted peace.
The session started with gyaki tzuki then age uki one count per one technique for the count of 10 then one count for both techniques to the count of 10 followed by gyaki tzuki soto uki, gyaki tzuki uchi uke and gyaki tzuki gedan bari this was then repeated on the other side. Next we done kizami maegeri, maegeri, kizami mawashegeri, mawashergeri, kizami ushirogeri, ushirogeri, then side snap to the left followed by side thrust to the right we did all these to the count of 10 for one technique then to the count of 10 for double technique. We then done all the Heian Katas once to the count and then once full speed on our own with no breaks inbetween all 10 katas oooffftttt. We finished the class with one attack kumite jodan, chudan, maigeri, kekomigeri, mawashegeri and ushirogeri both legs we done this with two partners then we done this again twice but only counter any leg attack. The final part of the class we focused on age uki gyaki tzuki where our opponent attacked double punch and we used the preparation hand as a block (therefore double block) we done 10 attacks each person and that was the first class of 2013 complete. 

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