Wednesday 19 December 2012

Wednesday 19th December

Off to the dojo to train with Inada Sensei this morning and what a spectacular class it was we started the class working in groups of three - first we had to place a mitt at one of the dojo and do sprints to drop a mitt in its place and bring the other mitt back to the next person we done 10 sets each person, next we had to carry one of the team on our back to the bottom of the dojo and back running again for a set of three followed by a set of three walking quickly on your hands to the bottom of the dojo and back with a team mate holding your legs in the air. Warm up complete! We worked in groups of three carrying out various drills 5 at a time rotating in the group of three so a small rest break inbetween which was good! The attacking person attacking kizamizuki - gyakizuki and the defending person first blocking and counter attacking, next defending person throwing dummy gyakizuki then sweeping opponents front leg and counter attack, next the defending person avoiding the attack and through ushiro-mawashigeri and then attacking with ushiro-geri and kekomigeri
We then done some free style kumite followed by back on the floor pulling knees to chest for count of 50 then 50 pushups and 50 leg lifts with your partners legs on top of your legs to add extra pressure - completed amazing class loved it!

After training Jesper and I headed off to Ikebukeruo for an Indian set lunch was delicious!!!!
Followed by a visit to the Golden Spoon in Tokyo station for a frozen strawberry yoghurt (yum yum) - dont think that will be my last visit the Golden Spoon during my stay somehow!

Training in the evening was with Okamoto Sensei in the first half of the class we worked on fitness exercises starting with 50 sit ups then 10 sets of holding legs in the air only a few inches off the ground 10 times each time for the count of 10 afterwards partnering up and doing 50 leg lifts each. This was followed by 3 sets of  back extension exercises to the count of 50, then a set of 50 push ups (im getting better at them even Jesper agrees - either that or he is just being nice lol) and then another set of 30 push ups for luck and finally jumping squats forwards and backwards for the count of 30 and then sideways for 30.We then done some ido khion 5 steps on our own count then moved onto khion ippon and jiyu ippon rotating partners each time and then finished the class with Heian Godan, Junro Godan and then kata of your choice. Knackered!

Nice Spag Bol for tea, hot bath, beer and bed - Goodnight from Tokyo!

Touch Screen Vending Machine
My Train
Spag Bol for Tea

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