Monday 24 December 2012

Sunday 23rd December

Woke up and done a little training in my apartment of 50 Gyakizuki's each side, 50 maigeri's each leg, a set of drills (20 push-ups, 20 mountain climbers, 20 sit ups, 20 sit ups rotating side to side and 20 leg lifts) done this set of drills 3 times followed by 100 squats. Then it was time to get ready and make the most of this Sunny Sunday.

I decided today that I was going to try and find a venue that Sensei Scott Langley suggested for Hogmany in Ebisu! Although I maybe should have looked it up on a map, but not me I thought get a train to Ebisu how hard can it be to find.Well it wasnt so easy I walked for miles so much so that I ended up in Shibuya. I seen lots of nice places on the way but would never be able to take you back to any of them as I didnt have a clue where I was walking too. I headed back on the train (after a starbucks coffee obviously) to Sudobashi where I went to the Hub and had a beer and a portion of spicy potato wedges as a snack, I wondered around the shops in the Tokyo Dome area as the atmosphere was great really busy and it was the first time I felt Christmassy since I arrived in Tokyo. I checked out the Onsen (Japanese Spa) as I think I might have to treat myself tomorrow - well it is Christmas after all and while you will all enjoy a Christmas dinner and loads of beer I will be training hard in the dojo in Tokyo.

Tokyo Dome Hotel
Tokyo Dome Baseball Arena
Chinese for dinner then headed back to Nippori exhausted with sore feet from all the walking around.

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