Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tuesday 18th December

Well it was a week ago today that the JKS Scotland guys headed back to Bonnie Scotland and I was left all alone in Tokyo which was initially a scary thought. However the last week has been great!

Headed off to the 10.30am training preparing myself for a class with Inada Sensei wondering how the hell I was going to survive the push ups! Inada Sensei asked us all to get a tube for some tube training so relief that we were not starting the class with push ups. We done reverse punches to the count of 10 slow then 30 full speed on both the left and right side then turned to face the other direction doing the same this time with the tube in the hikiti hand. We done the same exercise with maegeri both legs facing both directions. We moved onto stepping forward and backwards again in both directions for the count of 20 for oi tsuki, triple punch, maegeri, maigeri oi tsuki, mawashegeri, age uke gyakuzuki, soto uke gyakuzuki, uchi uke gyakuzuki and knife hand block nukite. We then paired up and attached the tube to our feet lay on the floor and done 50 pull ups each (my partner was okamoto sensei so no slacking for me) Then my favourite part of the class came and it was 50 push ups each! We then done 10 squats with our partner on our shoulders (again I was with okamoto Sensei so was lucky as she only weighs 53 kilo). We done partner work one attack sparring with various partners and then moved on to some free style kumite -everyone got a partner and the kumite session began I was with Okamoto Sensei and enjoying her working me to my limit then next change partner and the only person left for me to partner was Inada Sensei he took a look at me and probably felt sorry for me to be honest and called Okamoto Sensei back out from the office to partner me again - Pheww!!!! We finished the class with the same partner where we had to push one another backwards up and down the dojo this was really tiring and although Okamoto Sensei only weighs 53 Kilo she was hard to push backwards up the dojo for sure!

After the class Jesper and I went for a Japanese curry for lunch which was delicious and then I headed back to my apartment for a shower and to relax.

In the afternoon I headed to Ueno to the National Museum of Nature and Science which is not normally something I am interested in but thought I would see what it was all about.They had two sections the first one was The Global Gallery with 6 floors (History of Life on Earth, Animals on Earth, Evolution , Science and Tecnology etc) Then the other section was The Japan Gallery which was all about the history of Japan and the Japanese People.  It was very interesting at parts but some of it very difficult to get into as very little in English but I enjoyed the parts I could understand. Just as I was ready to leave I noticed they had Chocolate Exhibition inside I was excited had visions of walking into a chocolate factory and samples everywhere so I could eat loads of chocolate and feel sick BUT it was nothing like that it was all in Japanese and I didnt understand any of it and most important of all NO FREE SAMPLES!!! gutted! I bought myself a small bar of chocolate on the way out and headed to Starbuck for a Latte before heading home.

Old Fashioned Car at the Museum

Aeroplane at the Museum

How Tempting Right?

Yummy Chocolate

The 7pm class was taught by Matsue Sensei a great class again. We started off with Gyakuzuki on the spot for the count of 10 slow then 20 full speed on both sides then we did maegeri again 10 slow then 20 full speed each side. Next was gyakuzuki step forward oi tsuki then back gedan beri again to the count of 20 full speed either side. The next part of the class we did basic techniques up and down the dojo to the count. We finished the class with Heian Godan and Junro Neidan doing each kata several times with Matsue Sensei explaining the meaning of the katas and some of the techniques within each kata.

It was time for some dinner and to relax in a hot bath and have a beer after another busy day!

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