Friday 14 December 2012

Friday 14th December

Woke up at 9am and headed for the 10.30am class which was taught by yamaguchi sensei we started off with partner work one person using two towels under their feet to move up and down the dojo and the other person holding a 10 kilo weight (20 kilo for the men) switching over after each exercise we done front stance to begin then front stance with squats midway then mai geri front stance and round house kick (only the person with weight the other person continued with squats) we moved on and done similar exercises using back stance and horse stance by the end of this my legs were shot! We then did Gojushiho- sho, Gojushiho- dia and Bassi -Sho slow then fast another great training session done.

Did not want to venture too far today so headed to look at the local Temple and Graveyard in Nippori before heading to Hongo for a Japanese burger with cheese dish yummy then popped over to Starbucks where I drank latte and ate a peanut butter donut and listened to Christmas music - was nice and chilling!

Japanese Graveyard in Nippori

Nippori Temple
Japanese Cheeseburger
Starbucks Latte and Peanut Butter Donut

As I walked into the dojo for the evening Session I seen Makita Sensei was teaching the class and knew my tired legs were in for trouble. We spent the first 30 minutes of the class doing sit-ups, various floor work core exercises, push-ups (no problem for the push-up-queen) moving on to some squats just for luck. We then done some Basics up and down the dojo to the count to finish the first part of the class. Exhausted after this Makita Sensei finished the class with Bassai Dai breaking the kata down into parts where we had to try and improve the speed and accuracy of the techniques was another amazing session again tonight. Session 24 Complete!!!!!

Straight from training we headed to Nabezo for Sukiyaki (all you can eat pork and beef in a sweet sauce dipped in raw egg) and most importantly all you can drink beer too!!!!! It was another great night with Jesper and Charles.

Dinner at Nabezo
Headed back home around 10.45ish and then straight to bed as exhausted after another tough but fantastic day!


  1. Lovin your blog sarah. In awe of you! Makes me realise how unfit i am!! Xx

  2. thanks for reading Nicky it's a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and want to share the experience x
