Saturday 15 December 2012

Saturday 15th December

Well the weekend at last I have two days to allow my body to recover so relaxed most of saturday morning and washed my Gi's in preperation for next week,

Washed Gi's

Headed out later in the afternoon to meet Jesper in Shibuya (13 train stops on the Yamanote line from where I live). We wondered around the area it was so busy with people I have never experienced something so crazy. You cant actully walk to where you want to go you just get taken along with the crowd so you have to try and maneovre your body in the direction you want to go and hope for the best. We seen lots of nice places wondering around the area such as the famous 109 Building, the official Champions League Sport Shop, the largest music store in the world. We even managed another starbucks latte and cake because it would be rude not to!

Largest Record Store in the World
Famous 109 Building
Shibuya Disney Store


Shibuya is the party town for Tokyo's youth so myself and Jesper decided to catch the underground to Ginza as we were meeting up with Jesper's friend Chikage Murayama for dinner at 7.45pm. Ginza is the affluent area of Tokyo and has many expensive shops with the most amazing buildings to look at. We wondered around looking at what we could not afford to buy. We headed into the Nissan showroom where we seen the car that Ussain Bolt had signed when he was in Tokyo:

We met with Chikage at 7.45pm and headed to Gonpachi for dinner it was a really modern eating place in Japan. We tried various different things to eat some of them which I am still not quite sure what they were. I only had one beer before heading off back to my apartment to rest for another exciting day tomorrow. Nice evening had by all!
The gang eating in Gonpachi


  1. That "one" beer looks like 3 pints in one tumbler!
