Monday 17 December 2012

Monday 17th December

After a busy weekend I am pretty tired today but it was time to head to the dojo for the 10.30am class with Nagaki Sensei teaching.

The class started of with punching on the spot first 10 slow then 30 full speed all to the count moving on to punching to a 45 degree angle then punching behind still standing on the spot again 10 slow then 30 to the count full speed. We then done front snap kick, side thrust kick and roundhouse kick all on one leg to the count of 10 then 30 full speed switching to the other leg afterwards. Partner work came next where we practiced reaction training using Jodan and Chudan Punches and maegeri, mawashegeri attack with the defending side using timing to defend and counter the attack. We finished the class with Enpi - we had to partner up and watch each other do the kata and feedback- my partner was Watanabe Sensei and he was very kind to me lets leave it at that.

Jesper and I headed off after training for a Japaense curry which was fantastic probably my favourite lunch so far. Then off to find a shop Jesper was looking for in Harajuku and on route we stopped for a sweet crepe which was delicious. Afterwards I was so tired I headed home for a few hours rest before training in the evening.

The 7pm class was taught by Kagawa Sensei we started with 50 squats, followed by 50 punches in kibi dach stance moving on to punching at a 45 degree angle side to side in a front stance. Then we moved on to practicing kicking mai geri to the 45 degree angle again for the count of 50 then onto reverse punch mai geri back and double punch rotating to each side to the count of Kagawa Sensei.We then done gohon kumite with various partners using kizamizuki, gyakuziki then kizamizuki - gyakizuki and then mageri mawashegeri  Next we got in groups of three where two people attacked the other person with Jodan Punch to begin moving onto Chudan punch and then any kick attack where any of the two attacking people could attack at any time and the defending person having to block and attack in response. We finished  the class in groups of 6 people one person in the centre and any of the others attack at any time we did this for chudan or jodan attack for the first round then the second round was any kicking attack. This was an amazing class really enjoyed.

Kagawa Sensei then took myself, Jesper and Charles for Dinner at a Sushi Resturant was a really nice evening and the food and company was excellent.

Off to bed now as I have many push ups to do in the morning and cant wait!!!!!!!!!

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