Friday 21 December 2012

Friday 21st December

Woke up this morning and my body feels pretty tired and sore and I know I am in for a tough day!

Kanayama Sensei taught the first class today and as I sat stretching before the class kicked off I was wondering to myself how the hell is my body going to cope! It was a very small class of only 4 people so there was nowhere to hide! The class started off with a hip rotation exercise to the count of 30 then we done kizamizuki - gyakuzuki to the count of 20 one count per punch then kizamizuki - gyakuzuki together for the count of thirty we then switched and done the same on the other side. Next we moved on to practice maigeri we started off with ten leg swings then 10 knee lifts slowly moving onto knee lifts to the count of 20 followed by 30 maigeri's full speed again switching to the other leg to do the same. Next we did Kekomogeri to the count of four so first lift and set position, kick out and hold leg, retract leg and then place down again we did 10 sets of these on both sides. We then did ido khion slowly to the count of 5 then we did full speed for the our own count of 5, during this time Kanayama Sensei focused on the small details like foot positions, hip angles and accuracy of the techniques to make things faster and more direct. We finished the class off with Heian Godan and Junro Neidan. Really enjoyable session with some feedback from Kanayama Sensei so this is more to work on for the next few weeks.

After leaving the dojo my legs were so tight I decided to go for a short walk around the Sugamo area to just to loosen my legs a little as it was a nice sunny but cold day. It was nice to wonder some of the streets that we usually just walk past on the way to the dojo and I found a nice little temple where some of the Japanese were praying at the time. I should have threw in my 50 yen and prayed for a new set of legs for tonights class.

Temple in Sugamo

I managed to then drag myself back to my apartment to eat lunch and then have a snooze and just relax in preperation of the 7pm class.

Makita Sensei taught the next class and I knew my legs were going to be punished we started with 80 squats then 20 squats moving forwards and backward, moving onto 80 lunges forward and the 20 seconds holding in front stance position for each leg finishing with stretching the front stance as low as you could go and back up for the count of 20 each leg - so an easy start!. 50 gyakizukis on each side then 50 maigeri's on each leg. Again we did ido khion up and down the dojo to the count of 5 for each technique. We finished the class with Heian Yondan, Junro Shodan and the kata of your own choice.

Exhuasted it was time to head for a Japanese Pork Curry for dinner before heading home to bed.

Its the End of Year Party tomorrow so looking forward to that!

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