Sunday 16 December 2012

Sunday 16th December

What a beautiful sunny day in Tokyo today 16 degrees at this time of the year remarkable.

Jesper and I decided to go and find out how to get to the Tokyo Skytree we managed to get there no problem but as it was a sunny sunday the place was so busy with people. I am going to go back again during the week and hopefully it will be a little quieter and I will be able to go up the Skytree (31st floor) positioned at a height of approx 150m and the design is based on the concept of a villa in the sky. It was a great venue with loads of shops, restuarants, aquarium and Japan Experience Zone. Impressed and look forward to going back.

Tokyo Skytree

We headed back to Shibuya for some lunch at Freshness Burger and then took a walk from Shibuya to Harijuku which was great as it was such a nice day and to be honest I did not realise how close we were to Harijuku.
We visited the Meiji Shrine which is one of the most famoust tourist attractions and was beautiful to see - we picked such a great day to visit. Meji Jingu is a shinto shrine. Shinto is Japan's ancient original religion and is deeply rooted in the way of the Japanese life, therefore, has no founder or holy book. The shrine was established in November 1920 and is dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Emperor Shoken who passed away in  1912 and 1914 respectively.

Main Entrance to the Meiji Shrine

 Inside the Meiji Shrine

Obviously afterwards we had to pop into to Starbucks in Harijuku for a Latte and Cake before heading back home.

Back to the dojo in the morning so after a quick visit to the supermarket and some noodles for dinner it was time for an early night in preperation for the training that lies ahead this coming week.

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