Wednesday 12 December 2012

Wednesday 12th December

Good night sleep in my apartment on the first night woke up feeling refreshed and raring to go!

Headed of to the dojo for the 10.30am session which was taken by Inada Sensei he must have know how much I loved yesterdays class as we done another hundred push ups with our legs elevated follwed by 2 sets of 10 squats with your partner sitting on your shoulders just to start off. Then we moved on to partner work doing jodan oi tsuki and age uke backwards and forwards full speed and the same for chudan oi-tsuki and mae geri .Watanabe Sensei then showed us some sweeping techniques and we had to practice them with a partner finishing the class with Gojushio Sho taught by Kai Sensei. It was a very hard class but enjoyed every second.

I headed back to my apartment and got myself organised and done some washing. Then it was off to have a look at the Nippori Shopping street where I live this is a quaint little street that runs betweenYanaka and Nishi Nippori this street has food vendors and shops and is a big tourist attraction and busy on the weekends.

I headed back to sugamo for some food around 4pm and had a look around this area as although I have been many times for training I never really had a proper look around at the shops and streets.

The 7pm class was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei another great class we done more squats this evening then we done many punches standing on the spot and then moving on to focus on hip work and stances whilst punching and kicking on the spot then moving forwards and backwards. We finished the class off with Gankaku and Heian Godan.

20th Session complete !!!!!

Entrance to my Apartment

Nippori Shopping Street

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