Friday 28 December 2012

Thursday 27th December

Class number 40 of the trip and it was a belter. The detail may not be so accurate as I was just trying to keep breathing and moving at points so therefore I lost count. The first 45 minutes of the class went a little something like this pain pain and more pain ha ha!

We started with a 10 kilo weight doing 60 squats then 60 lunges. We moved onto 60 sit ups, 60 rotating sit ups, 60 leg lifts with legs above the weights so we couldnt drop our legs too low, 60 back extensions, 60 back extensions side to side then against the wall we stood on one leg on the ball of our foot up and down for 30 each leg (2 sets) we done three sets of all of these exercises then onto forward squat backwards squat for a set of 60, swing left leg out then right leg out then squat for 30, then lunges to the left and right for 30 and a final set of 60 sit ups, 30 push ups, 30 push ups on the knuckles and then 20 push ups going down for the count of 10 and up for the count of 10! Please forgive me if I missed anything.

As there were only three of us training in the class for the last 15 minutes we each had an instructor of our own to work on kata - I was working with Okamoto Sensei and I chose Chinti and then Sochin we done the katas slow to the count and I got loads of advice and help along the way. Although she did say my katas were good and strong which is encouraging.

At the end of the class we each had to perform our kata full speed in front of Yamaguchi Sensei, Okamoto Sensei and Nagaki Sensei - no pressure then!

After the earlier session I needed to sleep and rest for the evening session with Kagawa Sensei and so glad I did we started the class with 20 gyakizukis, 10 kizamizuki - gyakizuki's, 10 gyakizuki - kizamizuki's and then 10 triple punches each leg. Then we done maigeri, kekomigeri, mawashegeri to the count of 30 one for each kick followed by 10 sets of the kicks one count per set again on each leg. Next we done front stance up and down the dojo to the count of 8 up and back doing two sets where we squat in the middle then we done one set up and back doing the same with the following techniques oizuki, maigeri, maegrei oizuki, mawashegeri, mawashegrei oizuki and kekomegeri then we done kihon up and down the dojo as we have done in many previous sessions each technique for the count of 7 up and back. We moved onto to do gohon kumite with Kagawa Sensei by my side telling me to push forward more, use my hip more, harder, stronger, faster he was breathing down my neck so no time to hold back at all. It was like my own private lesson from Kagawa Sensei was great!!!! We finished the class with Enpi.

After two challanging yet fantastic classes today I decided to treat myself to fish and chips for dinner yummy!

Fish and Chips

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