Friday 28 December 2012

Friday 28th December

Woke up with very tired legs today but only two sessions to get through before the holidays I could do it!

Walking into the dojo I seen Makita Sensei come out of the office in his Gi and I didnt know how my legs were going to cope as he likes a few squats here and there! The class started off with gyakuzuki on both sides for the count of 10 slow then 30 full speed followed by the same for maigeri. We then moved to the back of the dojo to do some khion basics all is going well no squats so my legs are coping for the time being. The khion began and it became clear pretty quick that every technique we done for the count of 8 up and back with a squat in the middle of each oh joy! We then done all the heian katas and tekki-shodan once to the count slow by Makita Sensei then one time full speed with the count of one of the students in the class. We then had to choose either bassi dai, kankudai, enpi or jion and perform the kata on our own slow. So I choose kankudai and slowly done the kata focusing on all the things I need to work on that have been pointed out over the past few weeks. To finish the kata off we had to perform the kata we choose three times full speed one after the other.

After the lesson Kamal arrived at the dojo with his three young children so was nice to hang around and have a chat and catch up. We headed off to chinese for lunch was nice to have some company for a few hours.

Kamal's lovely family
Session 43 and the final session of 2012 was taught my Kanayama Sensei. The class started off with tube training doing 120 gyakuzukis each side then 40 maigeris, 40 kekomigeris and 40 mawashegeris each leg. Then with the tube around our waist we done khion for the count of 5 forwards and backwards finishing with gohon kumite again with the tube around our waist. We then practiced
bassi dai first one time slow to the count then one time fast to the count.

2012 Training Complete!!!!!!!!!!

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