Sunday 30 December 2012

Sunday 30th December

Up at 6am excited Karen is arriving at 10am at Narita Airport woop woop!

Done a wee bit of Tabata training before showering and heading to the airport.

Arived at the airport just after 9am so as I had time to kill it was off to Starbucks for a latte.


Its a wet and wild day in Tokyo I think Karen brought the scottish weather with her - gee thanks !

We headed out for a while to Roppongi to have a look around to make sure we knew where to come for the Hogmany Celebrations. Eventually we found TGI Fridays o it was a Bacon Cheesburger with Chips and and a Corona for lunch yum yum.

We decided to head back as it was lashing down with rain and Karen was sleeping on her feet by this point - BUT we got lost ended up two stations away from Roppongi so tired and drenched we made it back to the apartment for a few chilled beers and the calm before the storm.

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