Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tuesday 11th December - The Adventure begins

The rest of the guys left the hotel this morning at 7am to head off to the airport! It was a little strange after that being alone in Tokyo and thinking to myself what the hell am i doing!

I headed off to training for the 10.30am class where I trained alongside Jesper and Charles in a class taught my Inada Sensei

The class started with pushups (my favourite) followed by walking on hands to front of dojo whilst someone holding your feet off the ground and doing pushups then backwards doing the same by this point i was ready to go home as I collapsed in a heap on the floor. A few hundred squats to follow and then we did some pad work in pairs. I was partnered with Okamoto Sensei so I was pushed to my limit doing kicking exercises on the pads. We then done Enpi to finish the class.

After training we went for some lunch and then Jesper helped me to purchase a special Suicia card for the trip I would make to the dojo two times each day for the next few months. This card can only be used between the two stations Sugamo and Nippori - it cost 13,470 yen (approx £105) so this is going to save me roughly £230 so thanks to Jesper for this help.

I then headed off to my apartment to unpack and settle in for the next three months and just messed around getting things sorted for the rest of the day. Pictures of flat etc will follow shortly.

Evening training started at 7pm so I headed off at 6.15pm to the dojo to train this time with Matsui Sensei

Another great class this evening we started the class doing squats and lunges holding a 5 kilo weight for me and 10 Kilo for the guys. we then done various side and front jumps with squats and by this point my legs were very wary! We moved on to do front snap kicks and side thrust kicks to the count of 4 for each then done the kicks full speed afterwards, We did some Khion Basics up and down the dojo before finishing off with Heian Yondon and Junro Shodan.

Now need to rest for tomorrow as today as been tough both mentally and physically.


  1. Many thanks for keeping us all posted, looking forward to reading your blog daily, Osu!

  2. This is brilliant, thanks for keeping such a detailed blog, I'll be checking it every night! [This is Alistair BTW]

  3. Awesome stuff Sarah, an epic adventure and what a great (if tiring) way of life for a few months. Keep up the blogging.
