Thursday 13 December 2012

Thursday 13th December

Woke up early this morning so I could call back home to check in and catch up on any chat then had some breakfast in my apartment

Japanese Frosties
Headed off to training for the 10.30am class with Yamaguchi Sensei we started the class with tube training doing 150 punches each side followed by 150 mai geri kicks each leg. Next we done a repetition of 10 for each age uke tsuki, soto uke tsuki, uchi uke tsuki and gedan beri tsuki backwards and forwards. We moved on to practice front and back stance backwards and forwards slowly for the count of 10 each leg. After the tube training we done one attack sparring both left and right side and I was lucky to partner Okomoto Sensei for this part of the class. We finished the class with Kai Sensei teaching kata Jitte.

A fantastic class and it was time for a rest so I headed back to my apartment for a snack and to relax for the nights session.

Snack Time

After a few hours sleep I headed to the dojo for the evening session once again Yamaguchi Sensei was teaching the class we started off back stance kife hand block, cat stance down block and front stance reverse punch. We done my repetitions and my legs were still heavy from the morning session. Then we done an exercise lifting our knees into the correct positions for the various kicks moving on to do many repetitions of front snap kick, side thrust kick and roundhouse kick. We then done partner work one attack forward for six techniques on both legs we done this several times with various partners and I was lucky to partner Yamaguchi Sensei. Kagawa Sensei finished the class off with Bassi Dai, Jion, Kankudai and Enpi. Tired is not the word!!!!! Awesome class so headed off for some noodles to get the energy back and now bedtime I think so it is sa-yo-na-ra from me!

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