Monday 31 December 2012

Monday 31st December - Hogmany

The plan for Hogmany was to do little walking in preparation for hitting Roppongi for the celebrations tonight.

Roppongi Crossing
So we went to the Tokyo Dome for a wonder round a bite to eat and some ice cream from Baskin Robbins.

Headed back for a wee power nap in the afternoon before the party commenced! We headed off to Roppongi about 8pm as thought it sensible to grab a bite to eat first so we found a little sports bar where we ate a mountain of food (seriously even too much for me)


We hit several pubs in Roppongi throughout the evening and it was crazy so busy so many people drinking in the street, bars and clubs. We were in the english bar The Hub when the countdown commenced and it was Happy New Year 2013 in Tokyo!

Sunday 30 December 2012

Sunday 30th December

Up at 6am excited Karen is arriving at 10am at Narita Airport woop woop!

Done a wee bit of Tabata training before showering and heading to the airport.

Arived at the airport just after 9am so as I had time to kill it was off to Starbucks for a latte.


Its a wet and wild day in Tokyo I think Karen brought the scottish weather with her - gee thanks !

We headed out for a while to Roppongi to have a look around to make sure we knew where to come for the Hogmany Celebrations. Eventually we found TGI Fridays o it was a Bacon Cheesburger with Chips and and a Corona for lunch yum yum.

We decided to head back as it was lashing down with rain and Karen was sleeping on her feet by this point - BUT we got lost ended up two stations away from Roppongi so tired and drenched we made it back to the apartment for a few chilled beers and the calm before the storm.

Saturday 29th December

Well first day of the holidays and only one more day before Karen arrives and we rock Tokyo!

Decided in preparation of the mayhem that is coming in the next few weeks it was vital to rest today so got the washing done, cleaned the apartment and went some shopping - exciting life eh!

Headed back to my apartment for a PJ's night with a few bottles of Smirnoff Ice and Japanese TV!

Friday 28 December 2012

Friday 28th December

Woke up with very tired legs today but only two sessions to get through before the holidays I could do it!

Walking into the dojo I seen Makita Sensei come out of the office in his Gi and I didnt know how my legs were going to cope as he likes a few squats here and there! The class started off with gyakuzuki on both sides for the count of 10 slow then 30 full speed followed by the same for maigeri. We then moved to the back of the dojo to do some khion basics all is going well no squats so my legs are coping for the time being. The khion began and it became clear pretty quick that every technique we done for the count of 8 up and back with a squat in the middle of each oh joy! We then done all the heian katas and tekki-shodan once to the count slow by Makita Sensei then one time full speed with the count of one of the students in the class. We then had to choose either bassi dai, kankudai, enpi or jion and perform the kata on our own slow. So I choose kankudai and slowly done the kata focusing on all the things I need to work on that have been pointed out over the past few weeks. To finish the kata off we had to perform the kata we choose three times full speed one after the other.

After the lesson Kamal arrived at the dojo with his three young children so was nice to hang around and have a chat and catch up. We headed off to chinese for lunch was nice to have some company for a few hours.

Kamal's lovely family
Session 43 and the final session of 2012 was taught my Kanayama Sensei. The class started off with tube training doing 120 gyakuzukis each side then 40 maigeris, 40 kekomigeris and 40 mawashegeris each leg. Then with the tube around our waist we done khion for the count of 5 forwards and backwards finishing with gohon kumite again with the tube around our waist. We then practiced
bassi dai first one time slow to the count then one time fast to the count.

2012 Training Complete!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 27th December

Class number 40 of the trip and it was a belter. The detail may not be so accurate as I was just trying to keep breathing and moving at points so therefore I lost count. The first 45 minutes of the class went a little something like this pain pain and more pain ha ha!

We started with a 10 kilo weight doing 60 squats then 60 lunges. We moved onto 60 sit ups, 60 rotating sit ups, 60 leg lifts with legs above the weights so we couldnt drop our legs too low, 60 back extensions, 60 back extensions side to side then against the wall we stood on one leg on the ball of our foot up and down for 30 each leg (2 sets) we done three sets of all of these exercises then onto forward squat backwards squat for a set of 60, swing left leg out then right leg out then squat for 30, then lunges to the left and right for 30 and a final set of 60 sit ups, 30 push ups, 30 push ups on the knuckles and then 20 push ups going down for the count of 10 and up for the count of 10! Please forgive me if I missed anything.

As there were only three of us training in the class for the last 15 minutes we each had an instructor of our own to work on kata - I was working with Okamoto Sensei and I chose Chinti and then Sochin we done the katas slow to the count and I got loads of advice and help along the way. Although she did say my katas were good and strong which is encouraging.

At the end of the class we each had to perform our kata full speed in front of Yamaguchi Sensei, Okamoto Sensei and Nagaki Sensei - no pressure then!

After the earlier session I needed to sleep and rest for the evening session with Kagawa Sensei and so glad I did we started the class with 20 gyakizukis, 10 kizamizuki - gyakizuki's, 10 gyakizuki - kizamizuki's and then 10 triple punches each leg. Then we done maigeri, kekomigeri, mawashegeri to the count of 30 one for each kick followed by 10 sets of the kicks one count per set again on each leg. Next we done front stance up and down the dojo to the count of 8 up and back doing two sets where we squat in the middle then we done one set up and back doing the same with the following techniques oizuki, maigeri, maegrei oizuki, mawashegeri, mawashegrei oizuki and kekomegeri then we done kihon up and down the dojo as we have done in many previous sessions each technique for the count of 7 up and back. We moved onto to do gohon kumite with Kagawa Sensei by my side telling me to push forward more, use my hip more, harder, stronger, faster he was breathing down my neck so no time to hold back at all. It was like my own private lesson from Kagawa Sensei was great!!!! We finished the class with Enpi.

After two challanging yet fantastic classes today I decided to treat myself to fish and chips for dinner yummy!

Fish and Chips

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Wednesday 26th December

That's one month today since I left to come to Japan and time has flown by as so many things have happened and loadsa fun been had. Glad Christmas day has passed now though cause that was a tough one for sure!

Kanayama Sensei was teaching the boxing day morning session and oooft what a session it was. Started with the good old 30 gyakizukis each side followed by maigeri each kick to the count of 4 followed by 30 full speed each leg and then the same for side thrust kick. We moved on to work on front stance and back stance each to the count of two squatting in the middle for the count of 20 each and then onto do khion across the dojo to the count of 8 up and back for each technique - the usual oizuki, sanbon tzuki, age uki gyakizuki, uchi uki gyakizuki, soto uki gyakizuki, shuto uke, maigeri, maigeri oizuki, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki then side snap and thrust kicks. We then done all the heian katas each only one time to the count. We finished the class with 50 sit ups, 50 back extensions, 50 leg lifts, 50 one leg lifts alternating each count and then 50 legs crossing over, 50 push ups and finally to the count of 10 down hold the push up position and back up on next count ooffttttt! Time for a lye down!

Some lunch was had and time to relax for the day in preperation for the night session!

Fanta Melon Soda

The evening session was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei and what a fantastic class it was too! We started with kizamizuki, gyakizuki, oizuki for the count of 10 slow then 30 full speed each side then maeigeri back, kizamimaigeri then maeigeri back again 10 slow then to the count of 30 full speed each leg. We then practiced various techniques such as shoto uke, gedan bari in cat stance, maigeri kick then gyakizuki, side snap kick uraken then empi strike, uraken on the spot left then right alternating, spinning empi strike then elbow strike all 10 times slow then 30 full speed alternating sides.

The class then continued on to study the katas kankudai and kakyoku neidan to finish - an awesome class loved it !

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Tuesday 25th December - It's Christmas !!!!!

Christmas day in Tokyo - did not know what to expect to be honest !

It's a sunny day - 10 degrees and business as usual in Tokyo. People head off to work and school like any other day and I head off to the dojo to train with Inada Sensei!

Well after a three day break it was a difficult one to motivate myself to get back to the dojo and it felt weird training Xmas day. Normally I would be bugging the life out the family to get outta bed to open the pressie's, dad to make a few bacon rolls and crack open a beer whilst in my PJ' s rough from the night before.

Inada Sensei' s class started with 10 gyakizuki's slow then 30 to the count full speed both sides, then maigeri' s 10 slow then 30 to the count full speed both legs kizamizuki- gyakizuki 5 to count then 20 to the count full speed both sides and finally kizamimaegeri - Maigeri back again 10 slow then 20 full speed to the count each leg.
We then done khion up and down the dojo to the count of five followed by Gohon Kumite - jodan tsuki, chudan tsuki, maigeri and mawashegeri full speed with three different partners.
Okamoto Sensei then took the next part of the class where we did all the heian katas and tekki- shodan each one time to the count then one time full speed! Okomoto Sensei then asked me to choose any kata - I choose tekki- sandan and we done the kata 6 times to the count focusing on techniques and timing - great class to kick of the week.

Headed back to my apartment to open the Xmas pressies I had with me as most I had opened before I left at the end of November.

Xmas Cards and Pressies

Deceided to just chill out today and catch an extra session at the dojo so after some nice noodles for Christmas lunch/dinner then it was of to the dojo for the 6pm class.

Xmas Dinner
Matuse Sensei taught the 6pm class where we started with 40 gyakizukis each side then 40 mai geris each side followed by uraken to the left and right side alternating to the count of 50. We then moved on to focus on katas for the rest of the class doing all the heian katas to the count several times - Matsue Sensei asking the kids after each kata to explain the application to the parts of the katas. We then done all 5 Heian katas one after the other without stopping full speed. We finished the class with 50 push ups, 50 sit ups and then 50 back extensions.

The 7pm class was also taught by Matsue Sensei we started the class doing 10 slow followed by 30 full speed of each of the following techniques:

Elbow strikes up, then back then forward and to the side
Uraken strikes to the left and right side alternating
Shoto strikes forward
Hito strikes forward
Gyakuzi on the spot
Gyakizuki with rotating upper body

We then moved on to practice bassidai and bassisho where we done the katas to the count several times discussing the application of some parts of the katas.

We finished the class with gohon kumite - jodan tzuki, chudan tzuki, maigeri and mawashegeri then the same Jiyu kumite followed by any five hand attacks jodan, then chudan, then any five leg attacks chudan then jodan.

I headed back to my apartment to call home to the family and wish them a Merry Christmas !!

Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas Eve - Monday 24th December

Not my usual Christmas Eve for sure!

Woke up to the sun shining and a pretty warm day in Tokyo - decided to give exercise a miss for today and treat myself since it is Christmas afterall.

Headed of to Spa Le Qua at the Tokyo Dome in Sudobashi for a Japanese Spa Day as a christmas treat to myself and It was amazing!

The Spa area had open-air hot baths and indoors plunge baths which are fed water from the natural hot springs from underneath the Tokyo Dome and many Sauna's and Steam Rooms. It is very different from back home as they have one area for female and one area for male as you are not allowed any clothing inside the Spa area. It was at first a little strange but after a short while you realise the Japanese are used to it being this way and you then start to relax and just enjoy the experience.

After the Spa area I headed up to the Healing Baden where both male and females can now mix together. There are many low temperature saunas and relaxation areas where you can just chill out, sleep or read a book. There was also a drinks area where I had a delicious mango fresh fruit drink which was delicious.

Unfortunately there are no photos as no cameras are allowed (for obvious reasons). Here is a link if you want to see what it looks like:

Then I headed off for a beer and some dinner before heading back to Nippori to relax and prepare for the hard training week ahead.

Sunday 23rd December

Woke up and done a little training in my apartment of 50 Gyakizuki's each side, 50 maigeri's each leg, a set of drills (20 push-ups, 20 mountain climbers, 20 sit ups, 20 sit ups rotating side to side and 20 leg lifts) done this set of drills 3 times followed by 100 squats. Then it was time to get ready and make the most of this Sunny Sunday.

I decided today that I was going to try and find a venue that Sensei Scott Langley suggested for Hogmany in Ebisu! Although I maybe should have looked it up on a map, but not me I thought get a train to Ebisu how hard can it be to find.Well it wasnt so easy I walked for miles so much so that I ended up in Shibuya. I seen lots of nice places on the way but would never be able to take you back to any of them as I didnt have a clue where I was walking too. I headed back on the train (after a starbucks coffee obviously) to Sudobashi where I went to the Hub and had a beer and a portion of spicy potato wedges as a snack, I wondered around the shops in the Tokyo Dome area as the atmosphere was great really busy and it was the first time I felt Christmassy since I arrived in Tokyo. I checked out the Onsen (Japanese Spa) as I think I might have to treat myself tomorrow - well it is Christmas after all and while you will all enjoy a Christmas dinner and loads of beer I will be training hard in the dojo in Tokyo.

Tokyo Dome Hotel
Tokyo Dome Baseball Arena
Chinese for dinner then headed back to Nippori exhausted with sore feet from all the walking around.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Saturday 22nd December

Well today was the end of year competition at the Honbu Dojo followed by the end of year party! So as there was no training today I manged to have a long lye - result!!!!!

Headed up to the dojo around 1pm to watch the end of year competition before the party started at 2pm. On the way to the dojo I was approached by Yokozawa Sensei (Previously Watanabe Sensei) and her baby it was a nice feeling that she had recognised me as it had been a while since I had last seen her. So we walked to the dojo together chatting as we went.

Spectators at competition
Kids Kumite Event
The dojo was really busy with lots of parents watching their children compete and a nice relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The competition finshed and the matts were lifted and the party commenced where the beer and the food kept flowing for several hours. The party was difficult at times as everyone speaking Japanese so was hard to get involved in any real conversations. Although was nice to see all the Sensei's drink beer and have some fun in a relaxed environment. Around 5pm the party was coming to an end so I decided to head back to my apartment to relax and enjoy a wee smirnoff and coke before bed.

Party in full swing

Friday 21 December 2012

Friday 21st December

Woke up this morning and my body feels pretty tired and sore and I know I am in for a tough day!

Kanayama Sensei taught the first class today and as I sat stretching before the class kicked off I was wondering to myself how the hell is my body going to cope! It was a very small class of only 4 people so there was nowhere to hide! The class started off with a hip rotation exercise to the count of 30 then we done kizamizuki - gyakuzuki to the count of 20 one count per punch then kizamizuki - gyakuzuki together for the count of thirty we then switched and done the same on the other side. Next we moved on to practice maigeri we started off with ten leg swings then 10 knee lifts slowly moving onto knee lifts to the count of 20 followed by 30 maigeri's full speed again switching to the other leg to do the same. Next we did Kekomogeri to the count of four so first lift and set position, kick out and hold leg, retract leg and then place down again we did 10 sets of these on both sides. We then did ido khion slowly to the count of 5 then we did full speed for the our own count of 5, during this time Kanayama Sensei focused on the small details like foot positions, hip angles and accuracy of the techniques to make things faster and more direct. We finished the class off with Heian Godan and Junro Neidan. Really enjoyable session with some feedback from Kanayama Sensei so this is more to work on for the next few weeks.

After leaving the dojo my legs were so tight I decided to go for a short walk around the Sugamo area to just to loosen my legs a little as it was a nice sunny but cold day. It was nice to wonder some of the streets that we usually just walk past on the way to the dojo and I found a nice little temple where some of the Japanese were praying at the time. I should have threw in my 50 yen and prayed for a new set of legs for tonights class.

Temple in Sugamo

I managed to then drag myself back to my apartment to eat lunch and then have a snooze and just relax in preperation of the 7pm class.

Makita Sensei taught the next class and I knew my legs were going to be punished we started with 80 squats then 20 squats moving forwards and backward, moving onto 80 lunges forward and the 20 seconds holding in front stance position for each leg finishing with stretching the front stance as low as you could go and back up for the count of 20 each leg - so an easy start!. 50 gyakizukis on each side then 50 maigeri's on each leg. Again we did ido khion up and down the dojo to the count of 5 for each technique. We finished the class with Heian Yondan, Junro Shodan and the kata of your own choice.

Exhuasted it was time to head for a Japanese Pork Curry for dinner before heading home to bed.

Its the End of Year Party tomorrow so looking forward to that!

Thursday 20 December 2012

Thursday 20th December

Another sunny but cold day in Tokyo and this was me and Jesper's last training session for this trip but not forever!

Yamaguchi Sensei taught this mornings session starting off with tube training we did gyakuzuki - oizuki and step back 50 times each leg then we faced the opposite direction and done 30 of the same exercise. Then we done maegeri back then mageri forward, maigeri back then kekomigeri forward, maigeri back then mawashegeri forward each for the count of 10 then two sets for the count of 10 any two kicks again this was done on both legs and then reversed for the count of 30 each leg for the first three techniques mentioned before. We then moved onto do 6 drills for 20 seconds each and done three sets of the drills these were switch leg gyakuzuki for the first set, then push ups for the second set, the third set was switch leg mawashegeri gyakuzuki, the fourth set burpees, the fifth set switch legs ushiro mawashegeri then gyakuzuki and the final set was drop down squat then jump in the air switch leg each time. Then to finish the class we done Tekki sandan with Nagaki Sensei where I have been shown a part of the kata I need to chnage by Yamaguchi Sensei which I will need to work on and then Sochin with Okamoto Sensei and again Yamaguchi Sensei asked me to work on my side snap kick in the kata as it look like a mawashegeri and this is incorrect so a few things to work on but great feedback- Exhausted just writing this again.

As this was Jesper's last day we headed off for a nice lunch at the standing sushi bar in Kojimachi and then finished with our final latte and cinnamon apple fritter at Starbucks before saying our fond farewell.

The evening class I had to face alone and be the only foreigner in the class for the first time since I arrived. The class was taught by Matsue Sensei we started the class with 10 gyakuzuki's slow then 30 full speed on both legs then maegeri 10 slow then 30 full speed again on both legs. The next part of the class was basic khion up and down the dojo followed by Heian Godan and Junro Godan to finish. Matsue Sensei asked me to focus on keeping my punch straight as sometimes I am letting my elbow
pop out first so something else for me to work on in the coming weeks.

Class 32 complete ! Only one more day to go and then I have three day break woop woop.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Wednesday 19th December

Off to the dojo to train with Inada Sensei this morning and what a spectacular class it was we started the class working in groups of three - first we had to place a mitt at one of the dojo and do sprints to drop a mitt in its place and bring the other mitt back to the next person we done 10 sets each person, next we had to carry one of the team on our back to the bottom of the dojo and back running again for a set of three followed by a set of three walking quickly on your hands to the bottom of the dojo and back with a team mate holding your legs in the air. Warm up complete! We worked in groups of three carrying out various drills 5 at a time rotating in the group of three so a small rest break inbetween which was good! The attacking person attacking kizamizuki - gyakizuki and the defending person first blocking and counter attacking, next defending person throwing dummy gyakizuki then sweeping opponents front leg and counter attack, next the defending person avoiding the attack and through ushiro-mawashigeri and then attacking with ushiro-geri and kekomigeri
We then done some free style kumite followed by back on the floor pulling knees to chest for count of 50 then 50 pushups and 50 leg lifts with your partners legs on top of your legs to add extra pressure - completed amazing class loved it!

After training Jesper and I headed off to Ikebukeruo for an Indian set lunch was delicious!!!!
Followed by a visit to the Golden Spoon in Tokyo station for a frozen strawberry yoghurt (yum yum) - dont think that will be my last visit the Golden Spoon during my stay somehow!

Training in the evening was with Okamoto Sensei in the first half of the class we worked on fitness exercises starting with 50 sit ups then 10 sets of holding legs in the air only a few inches off the ground 10 times each time for the count of 10 afterwards partnering up and doing 50 leg lifts each. This was followed by 3 sets of  back extension exercises to the count of 50, then a set of 50 push ups (im getting better at them even Jesper agrees - either that or he is just being nice lol) and then another set of 30 push ups for luck and finally jumping squats forwards and backwards for the count of 30 and then sideways for 30.We then done some ido khion 5 steps on our own count then moved onto khion ippon and jiyu ippon rotating partners each time and then finished the class with Heian Godan, Junro Godan and then kata of your choice. Knackered!

Nice Spag Bol for tea, hot bath, beer and bed - Goodnight from Tokyo!

Touch Screen Vending Machine
My Train
Spag Bol for Tea

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tuesday 18th December

Well it was a week ago today that the JKS Scotland guys headed back to Bonnie Scotland and I was left all alone in Tokyo which was initially a scary thought. However the last week has been great!

Headed off to the 10.30am training preparing myself for a class with Inada Sensei wondering how the hell I was going to survive the push ups! Inada Sensei asked us all to get a tube for some tube training so relief that we were not starting the class with push ups. We done reverse punches to the count of 10 slow then 30 full speed on both the left and right side then turned to face the other direction doing the same this time with the tube in the hikiti hand. We done the same exercise with maegeri both legs facing both directions. We moved onto stepping forward and backwards again in both directions for the count of 20 for oi tsuki, triple punch, maegeri, maigeri oi tsuki, mawashegeri, age uke gyakuzuki, soto uke gyakuzuki, uchi uke gyakuzuki and knife hand block nukite. We then paired up and attached the tube to our feet lay on the floor and done 50 pull ups each (my partner was okamoto sensei so no slacking for me) Then my favourite part of the class came and it was 50 push ups each! We then done 10 squats with our partner on our shoulders (again I was with okamoto Sensei so was lucky as she only weighs 53 kilo). We done partner work one attack sparring with various partners and then moved on to some free style kumite -everyone got a partner and the kumite session began I was with Okamoto Sensei and enjoying her working me to my limit then next change partner and the only person left for me to partner was Inada Sensei he took a look at me and probably felt sorry for me to be honest and called Okamoto Sensei back out from the office to partner me again - Pheww!!!! We finished the class with the same partner where we had to push one another backwards up and down the dojo this was really tiring and although Okamoto Sensei only weighs 53 Kilo she was hard to push backwards up the dojo for sure!

After the class Jesper and I went for a Japanese curry for lunch which was delicious and then I headed back to my apartment for a shower and to relax.

In the afternoon I headed to Ueno to the National Museum of Nature and Science which is not normally something I am interested in but thought I would see what it was all about.They had two sections the first one was The Global Gallery with 6 floors (History of Life on Earth, Animals on Earth, Evolution , Science and Tecnology etc) Then the other section was The Japan Gallery which was all about the history of Japan and the Japanese People.  It was very interesting at parts but some of it very difficult to get into as very little in English but I enjoyed the parts I could understand. Just as I was ready to leave I noticed they had Chocolate Exhibition inside I was excited had visions of walking into a chocolate factory and samples everywhere so I could eat loads of chocolate and feel sick BUT it was nothing like that it was all in Japanese and I didnt understand any of it and most important of all NO FREE SAMPLES!!! gutted! I bought myself a small bar of chocolate on the way out and headed to Starbuck for a Latte before heading home.

Old Fashioned Car at the Museum

Aeroplane at the Museum

How Tempting Right?

Yummy Chocolate

The 7pm class was taught by Matsue Sensei a great class again. We started off with Gyakuzuki on the spot for the count of 10 slow then 20 full speed on both sides then we did maegeri again 10 slow then 20 full speed each side. Next was gyakuzuki step forward oi tsuki then back gedan beri again to the count of 20 full speed either side. The next part of the class we did basic techniques up and down the dojo to the count. We finished the class with Heian Godan and Junro Neidan doing each kata several times with Matsue Sensei explaining the meaning of the katas and some of the techniques within each kata.

It was time for some dinner and to relax in a hot bath and have a beer after another busy day!

Monday 17 December 2012

Monday 17th December

After a busy weekend I am pretty tired today but it was time to head to the dojo for the 10.30am class with Nagaki Sensei teaching.

The class started of with punching on the spot first 10 slow then 30 full speed all to the count moving on to punching to a 45 degree angle then punching behind still standing on the spot again 10 slow then 30 to the count full speed. We then done front snap kick, side thrust kick and roundhouse kick all on one leg to the count of 10 then 30 full speed switching to the other leg afterwards. Partner work came next where we practiced reaction training using Jodan and Chudan Punches and maegeri, mawashegeri attack with the defending side using timing to defend and counter the attack. We finished the class with Enpi - we had to partner up and watch each other do the kata and feedback- my partner was Watanabe Sensei and he was very kind to me lets leave it at that.

Jesper and I headed off after training for a Japaense curry which was fantastic probably my favourite lunch so far. Then off to find a shop Jesper was looking for in Harajuku and on route we stopped for a sweet crepe which was delicious. Afterwards I was so tired I headed home for a few hours rest before training in the evening.

The 7pm class was taught by Kagawa Sensei we started with 50 squats, followed by 50 punches in kibi dach stance moving on to punching at a 45 degree angle side to side in a front stance. Then we moved on to practicing kicking mai geri to the 45 degree angle again for the count of 50 then onto reverse punch mai geri back and double punch rotating to each side to the count of Kagawa Sensei.We then done gohon kumite with various partners using kizamizuki, gyakuziki then kizamizuki - gyakizuki and then mageri mawashegeri  Next we got in groups of three where two people attacked the other person with Jodan Punch to begin moving onto Chudan punch and then any kick attack where any of the two attacking people could attack at any time and the defending person having to block and attack in response. We finished  the class in groups of 6 people one person in the centre and any of the others attack at any time we did this for chudan or jodan attack for the first round then the second round was any kicking attack. This was an amazing class really enjoyed.

Kagawa Sensei then took myself, Jesper and Charles for Dinner at a Sushi Resturant was a really nice evening and the food and company was excellent.

Off to bed now as I have many push ups to do in the morning and cant wait!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 16 December 2012

Sunday 16th December

What a beautiful sunny day in Tokyo today 16 degrees at this time of the year remarkable.

Jesper and I decided to go and find out how to get to the Tokyo Skytree we managed to get there no problem but as it was a sunny sunday the place was so busy with people. I am going to go back again during the week and hopefully it will be a little quieter and I will be able to go up the Skytree (31st floor) positioned at a height of approx 150m and the design is based on the concept of a villa in the sky. It was a great venue with loads of shops, restuarants, aquarium and Japan Experience Zone. Impressed and look forward to going back.

Tokyo Skytree

We headed back to Shibuya for some lunch at Freshness Burger and then took a walk from Shibuya to Harijuku which was great as it was such a nice day and to be honest I did not realise how close we were to Harijuku.
We visited the Meiji Shrine which is one of the most famoust tourist attractions and was beautiful to see - we picked such a great day to visit. Meji Jingu is a shinto shrine. Shinto is Japan's ancient original religion and is deeply rooted in the way of the Japanese life, therefore, has no founder or holy book. The shrine was established in November 1920 and is dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Emperor Shoken who passed away in  1912 and 1914 respectively.

Main Entrance to the Meiji Shrine

 Inside the Meiji Shrine

Obviously afterwards we had to pop into to Starbucks in Harijuku for a Latte and Cake before heading back home.

Back to the dojo in the morning so after a quick visit to the supermarket and some noodles for dinner it was time for an early night in preperation for the training that lies ahead this coming week.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Saturday 15th December

Well the weekend at last I have two days to allow my body to recover so relaxed most of saturday morning and washed my Gi's in preperation for next week,

Washed Gi's

Headed out later in the afternoon to meet Jesper in Shibuya (13 train stops on the Yamanote line from where I live). We wondered around the area it was so busy with people I have never experienced something so crazy. You cant actully walk to where you want to go you just get taken along with the crowd so you have to try and maneovre your body in the direction you want to go and hope for the best. We seen lots of nice places wondering around the area such as the famous 109 Building, the official Champions League Sport Shop, the largest music store in the world. We even managed another starbucks latte and cake because it would be rude not to!

Largest Record Store in the World
Famous 109 Building
Shibuya Disney Store


Shibuya is the party town for Tokyo's youth so myself and Jesper decided to catch the underground to Ginza as we were meeting up with Jesper's friend Chikage Murayama for dinner at 7.45pm. Ginza is the affluent area of Tokyo and has many expensive shops with the most amazing buildings to look at. We wondered around looking at what we could not afford to buy. We headed into the Nissan showroom where we seen the car that Ussain Bolt had signed when he was in Tokyo:

We met with Chikage at 7.45pm and headed to Gonpachi for dinner it was a really modern eating place in Japan. We tried various different things to eat some of them which I am still not quite sure what they were. I only had one beer before heading off back to my apartment to rest for another exciting day tomorrow. Nice evening had by all!
The gang eating in Gonpachi

Friday 14 December 2012

Friday 14th December

Woke up at 9am and headed for the 10.30am class which was taught by yamaguchi sensei we started off with partner work one person using two towels under their feet to move up and down the dojo and the other person holding a 10 kilo weight (20 kilo for the men) switching over after each exercise we done front stance to begin then front stance with squats midway then mai geri front stance and round house kick (only the person with weight the other person continued with squats) we moved on and done similar exercises using back stance and horse stance by the end of this my legs were shot! We then did Gojushiho- sho, Gojushiho- dia and Bassi -Sho slow then fast another great training session done.

Did not want to venture too far today so headed to look at the local Temple and Graveyard in Nippori before heading to Hongo for a Japanese burger with cheese dish yummy then popped over to Starbucks where I drank latte and ate a peanut butter donut and listened to Christmas music - was nice and chilling!

Japanese Graveyard in Nippori

Nippori Temple
Japanese Cheeseburger
Starbucks Latte and Peanut Butter Donut

As I walked into the dojo for the evening Session I seen Makita Sensei was teaching the class and knew my tired legs were in for trouble. We spent the first 30 minutes of the class doing sit-ups, various floor work core exercises, push-ups (no problem for the push-up-queen) moving on to some squats just for luck. We then done some Basics up and down the dojo to the count to finish the first part of the class. Exhausted after this Makita Sensei finished the class with Bassai Dai breaking the kata down into parts where we had to try and improve the speed and accuracy of the techniques was another amazing session again tonight. Session 24 Complete!!!!!

Straight from training we headed to Nabezo for Sukiyaki (all you can eat pork and beef in a sweet sauce dipped in raw egg) and most importantly all you can drink beer too!!!!! It was another great night with Jesper and Charles.

Dinner at Nabezo
Headed back home around 10.45ish and then straight to bed as exhausted after another tough but fantastic day!

Thursday 13 December 2012

Thursday 13th December

Woke up early this morning so I could call back home to check in and catch up on any chat then had some breakfast in my apartment

Japanese Frosties
Headed off to training for the 10.30am class with Yamaguchi Sensei we started the class with tube training doing 150 punches each side followed by 150 mai geri kicks each leg. Next we done a repetition of 10 for each age uke tsuki, soto uke tsuki, uchi uke tsuki and gedan beri tsuki backwards and forwards. We moved on to practice front and back stance backwards and forwards slowly for the count of 10 each leg. After the tube training we done one attack sparring both left and right side and I was lucky to partner Okomoto Sensei for this part of the class. We finished the class with Kai Sensei teaching kata Jitte.

A fantastic class and it was time for a rest so I headed back to my apartment for a snack and to relax for the nights session.

Snack Time

After a few hours sleep I headed to the dojo for the evening session once again Yamaguchi Sensei was teaching the class we started off back stance kife hand block, cat stance down block and front stance reverse punch. We done my repetitions and my legs were still heavy from the morning session. Then we done an exercise lifting our knees into the correct positions for the various kicks moving on to do many repetitions of front snap kick, side thrust kick and roundhouse kick. We then done partner work one attack forward for six techniques on both legs we done this several times with various partners and I was lucky to partner Yamaguchi Sensei. Kagawa Sensei finished the class off with Bassi Dai, Jion, Kankudai and Enpi. Tired is not the word!!!!! Awesome class so headed off for some noodles to get the energy back and now bedtime I think so it is sa-yo-na-ra from me!

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Wednesday 12th December

Good night sleep in my apartment on the first night woke up feeling refreshed and raring to go!

Headed of to the dojo for the 10.30am session which was taken by Inada Sensei he must have know how much I loved yesterdays class as we done another hundred push ups with our legs elevated follwed by 2 sets of 10 squats with your partner sitting on your shoulders just to start off. Then we moved on to partner work doing jodan oi tsuki and age uke backwards and forwards full speed and the same for chudan oi-tsuki and mae geri .Watanabe Sensei then showed us some sweeping techniques and we had to practice them with a partner finishing the class with Gojushio Sho taught by Kai Sensei. It was a very hard class but enjoyed every second.

I headed back to my apartment and got myself organised and done some washing. Then it was off to have a look at the Nippori Shopping street where I live this is a quaint little street that runs betweenYanaka and Nishi Nippori this street has food vendors and shops and is a big tourist attraction and busy on the weekends.

I headed back to sugamo for some food around 4pm and had a look around this area as although I have been many times for training I never really had a proper look around at the shops and streets.

The 7pm class was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei another great class we done more squats this evening then we done many punches standing on the spot and then moving on to focus on hip work and stances whilst punching and kicking on the spot then moving forwards and backwards. We finished the class off with Gankaku and Heian Godan.

20th Session complete !!!!!

Entrance to my Apartment

Nippori Shopping Street

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tuesday 11th December - The Adventure begins

The rest of the guys left the hotel this morning at 7am to head off to the airport! It was a little strange after that being alone in Tokyo and thinking to myself what the hell am i doing!

I headed off to training for the 10.30am class where I trained alongside Jesper and Charles in a class taught my Inada Sensei

The class started with pushups (my favourite) followed by walking on hands to front of dojo whilst someone holding your feet off the ground and doing pushups then backwards doing the same by this point i was ready to go home as I collapsed in a heap on the floor. A few hundred squats to follow and then we did some pad work in pairs. I was partnered with Okamoto Sensei so I was pushed to my limit doing kicking exercises on the pads. We then done Enpi to finish the class.

After training we went for some lunch and then Jesper helped me to purchase a special Suicia card for the trip I would make to the dojo two times each day for the next few months. This card can only be used between the two stations Sugamo and Nippori - it cost 13,470 yen (approx £105) so this is going to save me roughly £230 so thanks to Jesper for this help.

I then headed off to my apartment to unpack and settle in for the next three months and just messed around getting things sorted for the rest of the day. Pictures of flat etc will follow shortly.

Evening training started at 7pm so I headed off at 6.15pm to the dojo to train this time with Matsui Sensei

Another great class this evening we started the class doing squats and lunges holding a 5 kilo weight for me and 10 Kilo for the guys. we then done various side and front jumps with squats and by this point my legs were very wary! We moved on to do front snap kicks and side thrust kicks to the count of 4 for each then done the kicks full speed afterwards, We did some Khion Basics up and down the dojo before finishing off with Heian Yondon and Junro Shodan.

Now need to rest for tomorrow as today as been tough both mentally and physically.