Thursday 28 February 2013

Wednesday 27th February

Another morning training session with Inada Sensei and we started off with gyakizuki to the count of 30 left and right side followed by maigeri to the count of 30 left and right side. Next we done kata training all the Heian Katas, Tekki Shodan, Tekki Neidan and Tekki Sandan all once slow to the count then one time full speed to the count. Next we moved onto to practice Joko 1sei, Joko 2sei and Joko 3sei all twice to the count. We finished the kata off practicing Joko 4sei to the count 3 times and one time on my own to the count of Okamoto Sensei. Okamoto Sensei was very pleased that I had managed to pick up all four katas and remember them in such a short time.

The first evening session was taught by Kanayama Sensei we started the class off with kata training we done all the Heian katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count followed by Junro Shodan and Junro Neidan again one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count. The Kyu grades then stayed on to do the Heian kata for their grade followed by the Dan grades doing Heian Godan and Junro Neidan one time each full speed. We finished the session with free style kumite.

The final session of the day was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei and this is a tough class to detail I am afraid. We spent the first half of the session working on various exercises to work our joints to be more relaxed and flexible so many exercises on the shoulders practicing the snap movement and  same with the hips. We then moved onto kata practice doing Kakyoku Shodan and Chinte both to the count 3 times each the first two slow and the next one fast.

After training I headed out for dinner with Matsue Sensei, Okamoto Sensei and a few students from the Honbu Dojo. We ate loads of delicious Japanese food and drank many beers and had a have fun evening.

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