Monday 25 February 2013

Kamakura / Yokohama Chinatown - Sunday 24th February

Well today I headed off for my last day trip and it was a beautiful sunny day. First I stopped off at Kita Kamakura Station so I could go to the Engaku-ji Temple as I wanted to visit the grave of Master Funakoshi Gichin.

Next I hopped back on the train to go to Kamakura where I had to get a local train (which was very old, sounded like it was going to fall apart and had a wooden floor. I felt like I was in an old movie) to go to Hase Station as I wanted to visit Daibutsu (The Great Budda). It was unbelieveable to see and breathtaking to be honest. I was rather excited seeing this 44ft tall Buddha which was beautiful to view and everyone around me was a gobsmacked as I was.

As it was a nice day I decided to head down to Yuighama Beach for a wander along the waterfront. It was really nice to see a beach in Japan as not something I had ever related to Japan in the past. This would be a very busy but beautiful place to visit in the summer months. It was a bit chilly today for a swim although there were many body surfers on the beach.
On the way back I stopped off at Yokohama Chinatown and as it was early evening it was all in lights and was amazing to see. I decided to have dinner here and had a delicious chinese meal of fried noodles with pork and vegetables with spring rolls all washed down with a cold beer before catching the train back to Nippori.
I had a hot bath and watched the Celtic v Dundee game live on the internet in my PJ's with a cold beer to finish off my last weekend in Tokyo - well until July anyway!!!.

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