Friday 22 February 2013

Friday 22nd February

Woke up exhausted today but I was not going to give in as it was the final days training for the week and I then had the weekend off to relax.

Kanayama Sensei taught the early session and we done a tube training session. First with the tube attached at the centre point we held the tube in both hands we practiced punching on the spot for the count of 30, next we did kizamizuki gyakizuki for the count of 30 on both the left and right side then turning to face the other direction so the tube is pulling in the opposite direction we practiced the same exercise again. Next with the tube attached to both ankles we did 30 maigeris then 30 kizamimaigeri maigeris on each sided again turning to face the opposite direction and repeat these exercises. Next with the tube round the centre of our body we practiced the following techniques forwards and then turning round and coming back to the count of 7 each way - oizuki, sanbonzuki, maigeri and maigeri oizuki. Next moving forwards and then backwards to the count of 7 each way we did age uki gyakizuki, soto uke gyakiuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, and shuto uke then the final set we done forwards and turning round to come back for mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki and then finally kekomigeri. Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei finished the session off teaching Joko 1sei and Joko 3sei each to the count three times.

I headed to the office as they had asked me to help with a few things and then at 1pm I managed to head for some lunch. I decided to go for a massage today as the last few nights I havent slept so well with the aching in my muscles The massage was painful but great at the same time.

The last two session of the week were both taught by Kanayama Sensei.

The first session was all about Squats!!!! We started moving forward into a squat position then driving forward into front stance forward and backwards 7 times each way 2 counts each stance and many times holding the squat position for what seemed like minutes - we done this for 5 sets, next same adding oizuki for 4 sets and then same for maigeri again for 4 sets. Next we done khion up and down the dojo age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki and gedanbari gyakizuki - but each one we done two sets forwards and backwards squatting in the middle position every time. We moved on to practice gohon kumite jodan zuki, chudan zuki and maigeri with the attacker and defender both squatting in the middle position each time. we done 2 sets of 6 for each technique and finally the full three sets full speed to finish. We practiced Ju No Kata 2 times to the count and one time full speed on our own followed by kata of our own choice. (Joko 1sei)

The final session of today and the week we started with our knee against the wall practicing hip rotation for the count of 60 each side. Then we moved back into the dojo to practice kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 30 each side. Next against the wall we practised maigeri to 4 counts for 10 sets on both the left and right side before moving back into the dojo and doing 30 maigeris each on the left and right side. We then moved up and down the dojo practicing oizuki, age uki gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, maigeri, maigeri oizuki, shuto uke, spinning uraken gyakizuki, gedanbari back into cat stance uchi uke then gyakziuki, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki, side snap and side thrust kick. We finished the class off practicing Heian Yondan and Junro Shodan each kata 3 times to the count.

Its the Weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my final weekend before I head home!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Queen a rekon ad still kick your arse girl. Well maybe not. Been a long time like 15+yrs flys by.
