Wednesday 13 February 2013

Wednesday 13th February

I was up at 4am to watch the Celtic and Juventus Champions League match and thought the Bhoys played fantastic and regardless of them getting beat 3 - 0 was glad I got up to support my team and was proud of their performance as always - I think the end result was harsh!

Back to bed for a few hours sleep before heading to the dojo for the 10.30am session.

Kai Sensei taught the session this morning we started off with gyakizuki 20 each side followed by leg swings forward, sideways, backwards, outside to inside, inside to outside for the count of 10 each leg then 20 maigeris each leg. Next moving up and down the dojo to the count of 6 each way for the following basics - oizuki, maigeri, age uke gyakizuki, maigeri oizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, mawashegeri, uchi uke gyakizuki, shoto uke, shoto uke ukite. Finishing the basics practicing kekomigeri to the count of 4 for each kick four time forward and four times backwards then side thrust kick and snap kick up and down the dojo to finish. Next we done one attack jodan, chudan, maigeri, kekomigeri, mawashergeri, ushirogeri both legs both partners - my partner was Hideyoshi Kagawa for this exercise - my he is huge! Then next with Okamoto Sensei - every time using different block and counter attack. We finished the class off with the Junro Katas one time each slow with the count and one time fast with the count. After the class I done 70 sit ups, 50 leg lifts and 100 squats.

I headed out to Ikebukero in the afternoon to buy some desperatly needed trainers from the ABC Mart but couldnt decide which ones to buy as there is just too much choice. So headed for some lunch to think about it but still have not decided yet so will need to go back another day.

The evening session was taught by Okamoto Sensei we started the class with hip rotation to the count of 30 on the left and right side before moving onto kizamizuki gyakizuki each punch one count for the count of 10 slow then 20 fast moving onto kizamizuki gyakizuki one count two punches for the count of 20 then kizamizuki gyakizuki in free style driving forward for the count of 10 and then gyakizuki kizamizuki in free style driving forward again for the count of 10 we done these sets both left and right side. Next we done legs swings forwards, sidewards and backwards for the count of 10 each time we done the last five on one leg practicing to balance (not so easy) again we done this both sides. We moved to the back of the class first practicing front stance into a lunge position to two counts forward and backwards for the count of 16 for two sets then moving onto practice khion up and down the dojo before finishing the class with Gojushihosho to the count twice and once on our own full speed.

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