Thursday 14 February 2013

Thursday 14th February

This mornings session was taught by Nagaki Sensei and it was a tough one! We started with 100 sit ups, 100 leg lifts, 100 crunches, 100 back extensions, 100 back extension rotating side to side followed by 120 push ups. Next with the towels under our feet we practiced front stance to two counts for the count of 16 forwards and 16 backwards for 2 sets then 1 count 1 stance for the count of 8 forwards and 8 backwards followed by oizuki 8 times forwards and 8 backwards, next we did the same for back stance making shoto uke on the final set and finally kibi dach again the same format making gedanbari on the final set. We moved onto to practice Ninjishiho, Bassi sho and Chinte each kata twice to the count slow and one time full speed.

After training I went for lunch with Mami Yoshikoshi to a nice restaurant and had a delicious curry and beer. We had a nice few hours just relaxing and chatting and then it was time to head back to the apartment and get organised for tonights training session. Had a lovely afternoon was fun times.

Evening session was taught by Kagawa Sensei and he made us work hard tonight for sure. First starting with kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 40 each left and right side then maigeri, kekomigeri and mawashegeri for the count of 30 each side. Next moving up and down the dojo we done all techniques to the count of 7 with no rest break inbetween (ooft) - front stance, oizuki, maigeri oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, shoto uke, shoto uke nukite, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki, side snap and thrust kicks and finally ushirogeri. Next we were to throw any attack running forwards and backwards up the dojo - Kagawa Sensei was challenging me to race him but even though I tried to beat him - No Chance for me! Next we done some partner work exercises moving up and down the dojo 6 attacks each direction - oizuki (both chudan and jodan) with partner blocking and countering each attack, next maigeri and mawashegeri again partner blocking and countering any attack followed by any attack partner moving back and blocking and countering final attack. Kagawa Sensei asked me to choose a kata to finish the class off with and I chose kakyoku shodan and we done the kata twice to the count of Kagawa Sensei followed by one time on our own.

Great Training Session today and I am feeling good for tomorrows sessions.

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