Tuesday 19 February 2013

Tuesday 19th February

The first sesssion today started off with Inada Sensei giving us three sets of 50 push ups with our partner holding our legs at waist height (my favourite). Afterwards Kai Sensei took over the class as Inada Sensei and Watanabe Sensei moved to the side to practice kumite together. Kai Sensei taught Joko 1sei, Joko 2sei and Joki 3sei - we done each of the katas 5 or 6 times to the count - was a mentally challenging class today trying to remember these.

After training I headed off to Meguro with Mami Yoshikoshi to see the most beautiful building with old artwork and water fountains etc before heading for some lunch in Meguro.

The first session of the evening started off being taught by Inada Sensei we practiced Gyakizuki and maigeri on the spot for the count of 30 each side for each technique before moving to the back of the dojo where we done khion up and down the dojo to the count of 6 each way. Matsue Sensei taught the second half of this session where we practiced Heian Shodan and Heian Yondan to the count twice and then one time on our own before finishing the class off with kata of our own choice one time slow and one time full speed. (Chinte was my choice today).

Matsue Sensei taught the final session of the day where we done all the Heian Katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count. I need to work on the prepartaion of my Shuto Uke being more direct and faster and also focus more on the hip position in technique number 19 and 24 of Heian Godan. We finished the class off practicing Rantai 4 times slowly to the count and one time full speed to the count.

In the evening after training I practiced Joko 1sei many times and tomorrow I will move onto Joko 2sei so I can continue to remember these going forward.

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