Saturday 16 February 2013

Friday 15th February

Kanayama Sensei taught the 10.30am session this morning and it was a good one! We started off with front stance stepping forward into a lunge position and holding on the first count then on the second count pushing forward into front stance we done this to the count of 16 forwards and then count of 16 backwards for two sets then one count into lung then stance for the count of 8 forwards and 8 backwards next we done oizuki forwards to the count of 8 and then stepping back for the count of 8. Back stance next in the same format middle position hold then into backstance and squat down followed at the end by making back stance squat then front leg maigeri and finally same format for kibi dach stance. Next we moved up and down the dojo practicing the following techniques broken down into two counts on the way forward and then full speed one count on the way back - oizuki, maigeri oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, shoto uke, shoto uke nukite, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki, side thrust kick, side snap kick and sanbonzuki. We then practised all the Heian katas one time to the count slow and next one time full speed to the count with Kanayama Sensei focusing on the finer details. We finished the class off with kumite and it was myself and Mami both against Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei for two minutes none stop attacking and he was only allowed to defend and move away.

I headed into Ikebukuro to have a Subway for lunch (delicious) and finally purchase that much needed pair of trainers.


I headed back to the apartment for a snooze and overslept for the 6pm class so only one session this friday evening it was then.

The session was taught by Makita Sensei and it was a great class yet again. First we worked on hip rotation for the count of 40 followed by gyakizuki for the count of 40 on both sides, next legs swings forwards, outside to inside and inside to outside to the count of 10 for each followed by maigeri forward, kekomigeri to the side and mawashegeri forward returning leg into back position for the count of 10 slow then 30 full speed then switching to other side. Next moving up and down the dojo we practised Khion before moving on to do one attack kumite both left and right side one time only. We finished the class with Heian Sandan and Heian Yondan slowly to the count focusing on tension in the muscles at all times, next one time slow to the count relaxed and one time full speed to the count - then we finished the class with kata of our own choice. (Chinte for me tonight)

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