Tuesday 12 February 2013

Tuesday 12th February

Well back to the dojo this morning after yesterdays disappointment of the National Holiday!

The class was taught by Inada Sensei and it was only myself and Watanabe Sensei training in the class. I always feel a little nervous training with Inada Sensei as you never really know whats coming from start to finish. The class started with gyakizuki for the count of 10 slow then 20 full speed both left and right side. Next we done leg swings forward, sidewards, backwards, outside to inside and then inside to outside for the count of 10 each leg. Followed by 10 maigeri's, 10 side thrust kicks and 10 mawashegeri's each leg. Next we moved onto to practice kata we done all the Heian Katas and Junro Katas each one time to the count then one time full speed on our own with no rest break inbetween each kata. Then we moved onto Kankusho twice to the count and then one time on our own full speed to finish. After the class finished I done 70 sit ups, 50 leg lifts and 100 squats and then it was time to have some lunch and rest for the evening sessions.

A relaxing afternoon and a wee snooze and it was time to head back to the dojo.

The first session was taught by Inada Sensei and we started the class running forwards and backwards up the dojo for 5 sets moving onto skipping forwards and backwards for 3 sets and then swinging legs straight in front on the way up the dojo and swinging legs sideways on way back for 3 sets. Next we did gyakizuki to the count of 30 left and right side and then maigeri for the count of 30 left and right side. We moved on to practice khion up and down the dojo - oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, maigeri, shoto uke, mawashegeri and maigeri oizuki. All to various counts as Inada Sensei was correcting students along the way and repeating exercises to help them as he was correcting them. We finished the class with partner work practicing gyakizuki first, then moving onto gyakizuki with partner blocking and countering the technique and finishing with light kumite. (my partner was a 5 year old white belt so I was getting a chance to recover for the next session)

The last session of today was taught by Matsue Sensei we started the class with 70 squats then moved onto to practice each of the following on both sides for the count of 20 - kizamizuki gyakizuki (one count one punch) then kizamizuki gyakizuki (two punches one count) followed by gyakizuki kizamizuki (two punches one count). Next we practiced maigeri to the count of 30 and then a final set of with the first 5 being single kicks then next 4 double kick and the final count of 5 kicks again doing this both sides. Next we practiced kekomigeri 10 times both the left and right side for the count of 4 each kick. Moving onto to do 10 side snap kicks and 10 side thrust kicks to the count both sides. We practiced Heian Godan to the count twice and then one time full speed to the count followed by Gion twice to the count slow and one time full speed to the count. Followed by kata of our choice twice to finish. (Meikyo Neidan).

Early bed tonight as up at 4.30am to watch the Celtic V Juventus Champions League match before training.

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