Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tuesday 26th February

Off to the dojo for the early training session with Inada Sensei and we started the session off with pad work. Watanabe Sensei held the focus mitts for me and we started with gyakizuki on the spot focusing on making contact with full speed and power when hitting the pads, next we done sliding forward gyakizuki, maigeri back leg returning leg into back position, kizamimaigeri,  mawashegeri and finally ushiro mawashegeri - each of the exercises we done to the count of 30 on both the left and right side. The next exercise we practicised with our partners was any kick attack for the count of 30 followed by any two hand attacks plus any kick for 10 sets at own count - I scored a great mawashegeri jodan on Watanabe Sensei and he along with the rest of the instructors applauded me - felt pretty cool! We finished the class practicing Joko 1sei 3 times to the count and once on our own half speed followed by Joko 3sei 3 times to the count and once on our own half speed.


I had another stressful afternoon trying to pack the case and I am getting there on the third attempt although may need to sit and jump on it to get it to close.

A wee scottish snack in the afternoon before training.

The evening session was taught by Matsue Sensei we started the class off with light kumite to warm up with 5 partners for 1 minute at a time. Next we moved onto to kata training we practiced Tekki Shodan and all the Heian Katas one time to the count slow, one time full speed to the count and one time on our own full speed. Next we practiced Jion, Chinte and Unsu again each kata two times slow to the count and one time full speed to the count. We finished off with kata of our own choice and I chose Chinte as we had just practiced it and no way was I chosing Unsu!

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