Friday 22 February 2013

Thursday 21st February

Well legs are a little sore after the class yesterday with Kanayama Sensei but it was that time again to head to the dojo for the early session with Nagaki Sensei. We started off with kizamizuki gyakizuki slow for 5 times and then 30 full speed to the count on both sides, next kizamimaigeri maigeri 5 slow to the count and then 30 full speed to the count again on both sides. Next moving up and down the dojo we practiced khion doing three sets at a time with no rest break so first we did oiziuki to the count of 8 forward and back, then oizuki gyakizuki and finally sanbonzuki. Next set was maigeri, then kizamimaigeri maigeri and the final one kizamimaigeri maigeri ushiromawashegeri. Next set was age uke gyakizuki forward and then back age uke maigeri gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki forward then back soto uke maigeri gyakizuki and uchi uke gyakizuki forward and uchi uke maigeri gyakizuki backwards. We moved onto partner work practicing oizuki jodan, oizuki chudan, maigeri and mawashegeri for 5 counts each direction before finshing the kumite section practicing tobi kondi oizuki jodan, oizuki chudan and then any kick attack - the first set of each the opponent only sliding back and the next set the opponent blocking and countering each technique. My partner was Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei so I was challanged and had real fun doing this with him too. I then done free stykle kumite with Okamoto Sensei for several minutes. The class finished with Joko 1sei to the count 3 times.

Another rest day as the training is really draining me this week so again it was lunch and relaxing again today.

The first evening session was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei and we spent the first section of the class working on front stance, back stance and kibidach stance first working forwards and backwards to the count of 2 each stance and then moving on to do each stance to one count. We moved onto practice Heian Shodan and Heian Godan to the count doing each kata three times each. Kanayama Sensei finished the class off with Jion to the count 3 times.

The final session of the day was taught by Kanayama Sensei we practiced khion up and down the dojo. Next we practiced maigeri to 4 counts for 10 sets, next the same for kekomigeri and finally mawashegeri. Next we did maigeri, kekomigeri and mawashegeri on one leg without placing foot down inbetween each kick for 10 sets to the count one count each kick followed by 5 sets full speed one count each set and then we repeated this on the other side. We finished this session off working in two groups practicing jodan zuki, chdan zuki, maigeri and mawashegeri and the person at the front blocking and countering for two sets before switching to the next person in the group till everyone had completed two sets of blocks and counters for each attack.

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