Sunday 10 February 2013

Kyoto Adventure - Sunday 10th February

Up as early as possible to grab some breakfast at Starbucks before heading off to Kyoto on the Shinkansen from Shin-Osaka Station.

Kyoto was extremely busy today so many tourists and sightseeing buses everywhere. I decided to hop onto one of the buses and had not a clue where I was going just pot luck really where I would get off.

I wandered around Kyoto visiting many temples and shrines on the way before heading to Nijo Castle (which has to be the nicest place that I have seen on my adventures - loved it) and finishing of at Kyoto Imperial Palace and Park.

One of many Temples

Nijo Castle
Kyoto Imperial Palace and Gardens
Then I decided to walk from the park to the station which took me just under an hour - so was exhausted after the god know how many miles I had walked today. I booked onto the 6.30pm Shinkansen to head back to Tokyo as it was time to get back to the dojo to training for the final three weeks of my time here.

A few beers on the train on the way home followed by dinner in Ueno and it was bedtime.

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