Thursday 28 February 2013

Wednesday 27th February

Another morning training session with Inada Sensei and we started off with gyakizuki to the count of 30 left and right side followed by maigeri to the count of 30 left and right side. Next we done kata training all the Heian Katas, Tekki Shodan, Tekki Neidan and Tekki Sandan all once slow to the count then one time full speed to the count. Next we moved onto to practice Joko 1sei, Joko 2sei and Joko 3sei all twice to the count. We finished the kata off practicing Joko 4sei to the count 3 times and one time on my own to the count of Okamoto Sensei. Okamoto Sensei was very pleased that I had managed to pick up all four katas and remember them in such a short time.

The first evening session was taught by Kanayama Sensei we started the class off with kata training we done all the Heian katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count followed by Junro Shodan and Junro Neidan again one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count. The Kyu grades then stayed on to do the Heian kata for their grade followed by the Dan grades doing Heian Godan and Junro Neidan one time each full speed. We finished the session with free style kumite.

The final session of the day was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei and this is a tough class to detail I am afraid. We spent the first half of the session working on various exercises to work our joints to be more relaxed and flexible so many exercises on the shoulders practicing the snap movement and  same with the hips. We then moved onto kata practice doing Kakyoku Shodan and Chinte both to the count 3 times each the first two slow and the next one fast.

After training I headed out for dinner with Matsue Sensei, Okamoto Sensei and a few students from the Honbu Dojo. We ate loads of delicious Japanese food and drank many beers and had a have fun evening.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tuesday 26th February

Off to the dojo for the early training session with Inada Sensei and we started the session off with pad work. Watanabe Sensei held the focus mitts for me and we started with gyakizuki on the spot focusing on making contact with full speed and power when hitting the pads, next we done sliding forward gyakizuki, maigeri back leg returning leg into back position, kizamimaigeri,  mawashegeri and finally ushiro mawashegeri - each of the exercises we done to the count of 30 on both the left and right side. The next exercise we practicised with our partners was any kick attack for the count of 30 followed by any two hand attacks plus any kick for 10 sets at own count - I scored a great mawashegeri jodan on Watanabe Sensei and he along with the rest of the instructors applauded me - felt pretty cool! We finished the class practicing Joko 1sei 3 times to the count and once on our own half speed followed by Joko 3sei 3 times to the count and once on our own half speed.


I had another stressful afternoon trying to pack the case and I am getting there on the third attempt although may need to sit and jump on it to get it to close.

A wee scottish snack in the afternoon before training.

The evening session was taught by Matsue Sensei we started the class off with light kumite to warm up with 5 partners for 1 minute at a time. Next we moved onto to kata training we practiced Tekki Shodan and all the Heian Katas one time to the count slow, one time full speed to the count and one time on our own full speed. Next we practiced Jion, Chinte and Unsu again each kata two times slow to the count and one time full speed to the count. We finished off with kata of our own choice and I chose Chinte as we had just practiced it and no way was I chosing Unsu!

Monday 25 February 2013

Monday 25th Februray

Well here goes for my last week of training - the 10.30am class was taught by Nagaki Sensei and it was a monday morning wake up call for sure.

We started the class off with 50 gyakizukis left and then right side, next we done 100 squats in kibi dach stance, then oizuki for the count of 50 in kibi dach stance followed by 30 maigeris each left and right side. Next with a chair in front we practiced 50 maigeri's using the chair to make sure we created the correct route out and back and then 10 mawashegeris over the chair again making sure the knee position was correct at all times we done this on both the left and right side. We practiced front stance to two counts to the count of 14 forwards then backwards, 50 sit ups, back stance to two counts for the count of 14 forwards and backwards, 50 leg lifts, kibidach stance to two count for the count of 14 forwards and backwards, 50 rotations left elbow and right knee connecting and switch each time again for the count of 50, oizuki in front stance for the count of 7 forwards then backwards, arms and legs both straight lifting to meet in the middle for the count of 30, maigeri forward for the count of 7 then turn maigeri oizuki for the count of 7, 50 back extensions, 50 rotating back extensions, age uke gyakizuki forward and back for the count of 7 each way, 30 push ups, soto uke gyakizuki for the count of 7 each way, 30 push ups arms further out then shoulder width, mawashegeri forwards for 7 then back mawashegri gyakizuki for the count of 7, 30 push ups hands in centre of body, uchi uke gyakizuki for the count of 7 forwards and backwards, 30 push ups on knuckles, side snap and side thrust kick together for 3 counts forwards and backwards. Next we practiced Kibaken three times to the count followed by Kakusen twice to the count.

After training and a quick bite to eat I decided I was going to attempt to start packing as I am panicking a little as to how I will get all my stuff home at the weekend. Well got most stuff packed and washed but still not convinced that everything will fit in oh no!

I headed back to the dojo for the evening sessions the first one taught by Kai Sensei and we started off with 30 gyakizukis left and right side then 30 kizamizuki gyakizukis left and right side followed by 30 gyakizukis kizamizukis left and right side and finally 3 punches one count for 10 repetitions each side. Next we done maigeri kizamimaigeri for the count of 30 on the left and right side followed by kizamimaigeri maigeri to the count of 30 left and right side. We then moved onto practice kata we done all the Heian Katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count followed by Jion and Kankudai each of these katas one time slow to the count, one time fast to the count and one time full speed on our own.

The final session of the day was taught by Watanabe Sensei we done gyakizuki, kizamizuki gyakizuki and gyakizuki kizamizuki each for the count of 30 both left and right side. Next we practiced maigeri, kekomigero and mawashegeri each kick one count for the count of 30 followed by one count 3 kicks for the count of 10 both left and right side. Next moving up and down the dojo we practiced khion focusing on not lifting the back heel off the ground when moving forwards and backwards, not moving the front foot sideways before driving forwards and not rocking back on the heel when pushing backwards. We finished the class with some kumite drills practicing kizamizuki attack, then any double hand attack before moving onto free style kumite to finish the class.

Kamakura / Yokohama Chinatown - Sunday 24th February

Well today I headed off for my last day trip and it was a beautiful sunny day. First I stopped off at Kita Kamakura Station so I could go to the Engaku-ji Temple as I wanted to visit the grave of Master Funakoshi Gichin.

Next I hopped back on the train to go to Kamakura where I had to get a local train (which was very old, sounded like it was going to fall apart and had a wooden floor. I felt like I was in an old movie) to go to Hase Station as I wanted to visit Daibutsu (The Great Budda). It was unbelieveable to see and breathtaking to be honest. I was rather excited seeing this 44ft tall Buddha which was beautiful to view and everyone around me was a gobsmacked as I was.

As it was a nice day I decided to head down to Yuighama Beach for a wander along the waterfront. It was really nice to see a beach in Japan as not something I had ever related to Japan in the past. This would be a very busy but beautiful place to visit in the summer months. It was a bit chilly today for a swim although there were many body surfers on the beach.
On the way back I stopped off at Yokohama Chinatown and as it was early evening it was all in lights and was amazing to see. I decided to have dinner here and had a delicious chinese meal of fried noodles with pork and vegetables with spring rolls all washed down with a cold beer before catching the train back to Nippori.
I had a hot bath and watched the Celtic v Dundee game live on the internet in my PJ's with a cold beer to finish off my last weekend in Tokyo - well until July anyway!!!.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Saturday 23rd February

I had a long lye in bed today as I was really tired so needed to relax a little. I spent the morning in the apartment just getting some washing done and starting some packing for my return to Scotland next week.
Late afternoon I headed out to Ikebukuro and went to the Sunshine Cinema to see the new Die Hard Movie afterwards I headed to Nabezo for Shabu Shabu for dinner and then headed to the Hub to watch the Japan v Australia Baseball match and have a few vodkas before heading home to relax in the aprartment and have an early night.

Friday 22 February 2013

Friday 22nd February

Woke up exhausted today but I was not going to give in as it was the final days training for the week and I then had the weekend off to relax.

Kanayama Sensei taught the early session and we done a tube training session. First with the tube attached at the centre point we held the tube in both hands we practiced punching on the spot for the count of 30, next we did kizamizuki gyakizuki for the count of 30 on both the left and right side then turning to face the other direction so the tube is pulling in the opposite direction we practiced the same exercise again. Next with the tube attached to both ankles we did 30 maigeris then 30 kizamimaigeri maigeris on each sided again turning to face the opposite direction and repeat these exercises. Next with the tube round the centre of our body we practiced the following techniques forwards and then turning round and coming back to the count of 7 each way - oizuki, sanbonzuki, maigeri and maigeri oizuki. Next moving forwards and then backwards to the count of 7 each way we did age uki gyakizuki, soto uke gyakiuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, and shuto uke then the final set we done forwards and turning round to come back for mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki and then finally kekomigeri. Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei finished the session off teaching Joko 1sei and Joko 3sei each to the count three times.

I headed to the office as they had asked me to help with a few things and then at 1pm I managed to head for some lunch. I decided to go for a massage today as the last few nights I havent slept so well with the aching in my muscles The massage was painful but great at the same time.

The last two session of the week were both taught by Kanayama Sensei.

The first session was all about Squats!!!! We started moving forward into a squat position then driving forward into front stance forward and backwards 7 times each way 2 counts each stance and many times holding the squat position for what seemed like minutes - we done this for 5 sets, next same adding oizuki for 4 sets and then same for maigeri again for 4 sets. Next we done khion up and down the dojo age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki and gedanbari gyakizuki - but each one we done two sets forwards and backwards squatting in the middle position every time. We moved on to practice gohon kumite jodan zuki, chudan zuki and maigeri with the attacker and defender both squatting in the middle position each time. we done 2 sets of 6 for each technique and finally the full three sets full speed to finish. We practiced Ju No Kata 2 times to the count and one time full speed on our own followed by kata of our own choice. (Joko 1sei)

The final session of today and the week we started with our knee against the wall practicing hip rotation for the count of 60 each side. Then we moved back into the dojo to practice kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 30 each side. Next against the wall we practised maigeri to 4 counts for 10 sets on both the left and right side before moving back into the dojo and doing 30 maigeris each on the left and right side. We then moved up and down the dojo practicing oizuki, age uki gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, maigeri, maigeri oizuki, shuto uke, spinning uraken gyakizuki, gedanbari back into cat stance uchi uke then gyakziuki, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki, side snap and side thrust kick. We finished the class off practicing Heian Yondan and Junro Shodan each kata 3 times to the count.

Its the Weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my final weekend before I head home!!!!!

Thursday 21st February

Well legs are a little sore after the class yesterday with Kanayama Sensei but it was that time again to head to the dojo for the early session with Nagaki Sensei. We started off with kizamizuki gyakizuki slow for 5 times and then 30 full speed to the count on both sides, next kizamimaigeri maigeri 5 slow to the count and then 30 full speed to the count again on both sides. Next moving up and down the dojo we practiced khion doing three sets at a time with no rest break so first we did oiziuki to the count of 8 forward and back, then oizuki gyakizuki and finally sanbonzuki. Next set was maigeri, then kizamimaigeri maigeri and the final one kizamimaigeri maigeri ushiromawashegeri. Next set was age uke gyakizuki forward and then back age uke maigeri gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki forward then back soto uke maigeri gyakizuki and uchi uke gyakizuki forward and uchi uke maigeri gyakizuki backwards. We moved onto partner work practicing oizuki jodan, oizuki chudan, maigeri and mawashegeri for 5 counts each direction before finshing the kumite section practicing tobi kondi oizuki jodan, oizuki chudan and then any kick attack - the first set of each the opponent only sliding back and the next set the opponent blocking and countering each technique. My partner was Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei so I was challanged and had real fun doing this with him too. I then done free stykle kumite with Okamoto Sensei for several minutes. The class finished with Joko 1sei to the count 3 times.

Another rest day as the training is really draining me this week so again it was lunch and relaxing again today.

The first evening session was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei and we spent the first section of the class working on front stance, back stance and kibidach stance first working forwards and backwards to the count of 2 each stance and then moving on to do each stance to one count. We moved onto practice Heian Shodan and Heian Godan to the count doing each kata three times each. Kanayama Sensei finished the class off with Jion to the count 3 times.

The final session of the day was taught by Kanayama Sensei we practiced khion up and down the dojo. Next we practiced maigeri to 4 counts for 10 sets, next the same for kekomigeri and finally mawashegeri. Next we did maigeri, kekomigeri and mawashegeri on one leg without placing foot down inbetween each kick for 10 sets to the count one count each kick followed by 5 sets full speed one count each set and then we repeated this on the other side. We finished this session off working in two groups practicing jodan zuki, chdan zuki, maigeri and mawashegeri and the person at the front blocking and countering for two sets before switching to the next person in the group till everyone had completed two sets of blocks and counters for each attack.

Wednesday 20th February

This mornings session started off being taught by Inada Sensei we done gyakiazuki to the count of 30 followed by kizamizuki gyakiazuki to the count of 30 and maigeri to the count of 30 each side. We moved onto practice some kumite drills where Kai Sensei was to attack me at all times and I was to practice various blocks, grabs, throws and counters. First Kai Sensei attacked chudan zuki and I was to avoid the technique and grab him by the thorat from behind and take him down, next again attacking chudan zuki I was to grab him by the throat from the front and sweep him to the floor, he attacked maigeri next I was to avoid the kick and counter attack with uraken both to the left and right side, next blocking maigeri with the instep of my foot and using same leg to attack mawashegeri and then again block with instep of foot and attack kekomigeri finishing with me using both hands and shoulder extension to attack to the ears with a slapping motion to hurt the ear drums. Kai Sensi taught the next part of the class where we worked using the focus pads attacking kizamizuki gyakizuki, gyakizuki for four attacks, ushiro mawashegeri two times one left then one right, mawashegeri again one left them one right - each drill we practiced 5 or 6 times. We finished the class off practicing Joko 1sei 4 times to the count and Joko 2sei only one time to the count.

Today was all about eating lunch and relaxing during the day!

The second session of the day was taught by Kanayama Sensei and it was a belter of a class. We started the class with many squats and lunges as follows: 50 jump forward squat then jump back, next 50 jump back squat and then jump forward, 50 lunges forward, 10 lunges forward making gyakizuki, 10 maigeri then into forward lunge, 10 maigeri into forward lunge gyakizuki, next side stepping left and right squatting down into a lunge position to touch the floor for the count of 30, next kekomigeri then side lunge for the count of 30. Moving onto pushup next - 30 push ups, then 30 gyakizukis right side, 30 push ups, then 30 gyakizukis left side, 30 push ups, 30 kizamizuki gyakizukis on the right side, 30 push ups, 30 kizamizuki gyakizukis on the left side, 30 push ups, 30 maigeris on the right side and finally 30 push ups followed by 30 maigeris on the left side. WARM UP COMPLETE! Next moving up and down the dojo to the count of 6 each way we done oizuki, sanbonzuki, maigeri and maigeri oizuki. Next practixing tobi kondi up and down the dojo 6 times each way for 3 sets followed by three sets of oizuki using tobi kondi. We finished the class off with partner work practicing jodan oizuki, chudan oizuki and maigeri using tobi kondi with partner creating distance for us to reach correct target. We done each exercise up and down the dojo  6 times each way for two sets.

The final session of the day was taught by Okamoto Sensei and we started with kizamizuki gyakizuki one count one punch for the count of 20 followed by one count two punches for the count of 20 - we practiced this exercise on both the left and right side. Next kizamimaigeri maigeri one count per kick for the count of 20 followed by two kicks one count for the count of 20 again on both the left and right side. We moved on to work on front stance up and down the dojo for the count of 16 each way as each stance was broken into two counts we done this for two sets and then one count one stance to the count of 8 each way for two sets and then practiced the stance up and back to the count of 8 for two sets adding in oizuki. We done the same exercise for back stance adding on shuto uke at the end and kibi dach stance adding on gedanbari at the end. We finished the class off with kata practicing
Ju No Kata, Heian Godan and Enpi - each kata twice with the count.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Tuesday 19th February

The first sesssion today started off with Inada Sensei giving us three sets of 50 push ups with our partner holding our legs at waist height (my favourite). Afterwards Kai Sensei took over the class as Inada Sensei and Watanabe Sensei moved to the side to practice kumite together. Kai Sensei taught Joko 1sei, Joko 2sei and Joki 3sei - we done each of the katas 5 or 6 times to the count - was a mentally challenging class today trying to remember these.

After training I headed off to Meguro with Mami Yoshikoshi to see the most beautiful building with old artwork and water fountains etc before heading for some lunch in Meguro.

The first session of the evening started off being taught by Inada Sensei we practiced Gyakizuki and maigeri on the spot for the count of 30 each side for each technique before moving to the back of the dojo where we done khion up and down the dojo to the count of 6 each way. Matsue Sensei taught the second half of this session where we practiced Heian Shodan and Heian Yondan to the count twice and then one time on our own before finishing the class off with kata of our own choice one time slow and one time full speed. (Chinte was my choice today).

Matsue Sensei taught the final session of the day where we done all the Heian Katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count. I need to work on the prepartaion of my Shuto Uke being more direct and faster and also focus more on the hip position in technique number 19 and 24 of Heian Godan. We finished the class off practicing Rantai 4 times slowly to the count and one time full speed to the count.

In the evening after training I practiced Joko 1sei many times and tomorrow I will move onto Joko 2sei so I can continue to remember these going forward.

Monday 18 February 2013

Monday 18th February

Well a fantastic training session to start the week off with Kai Sensei we started in kibidach stance doing 80 squats followed by oizuki in natural stance for the count of 30. Next we done another 80 squats from natural stance position followed by gyakizuki to the count of 30 both left and right side. We done 40 maigeris on the spot before moving onto 30 on the left and 30 on the right side followed by kekomigeri to 4 counts each kick for 10 sets followed by 10 side snap kicks and 10 side thrust kicks again we done this both left and right side. Next we practiced khion up and down the dojo for the count of 6 each exercise forwards and backwards - oizuki, sanbonzuki, age uki gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, shuto uke, shuto uke nukite, maigeri, maigeri oizuki, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki - finishing with 4 side snap kick forwards and back and then 4 side thrust kicks forwards and backwards. Next we done one attack sparring both left and right side, followed by one attack sparring each attack from side of our choice and finally free style attack from any side of your own choice. I partnered Watanabe Sensei, Okamoto Sensei and Kai Sensei for these exercises. We finished the class off with Kakyoku Shodan three times to the count and once full speed on our own then Kakyoku Neidan three times to the count.

I headed out to Hongo for a bite to eat and a latte in Starbucks before heading back to rest for the evenings session.

The first session of the evening was a busy one and taught by Kai Sensei we started off with gyakizuki to the count of 40 both left and right side moving onto maigeri for the count of 5 then double maigeri for the count of 3 then the final two counts three kicks then switching to the other side. Next we practiced maigeri for the count of 10 kekomigeri to the side for the count of 10 followed by mawashegeri forward returning leg into back position for the count of 10 then we done five sets of the three kicks switching to other side and repeating. All the time Kai Sensei focusing on the preperation of each technique. Next we practiced one attack sparring both left and right side with three different partners before moving on to Jion, Bassidai and Enpi - doing each kata three times to the count.

The final session of the evening was taught by Watanabe Sensei we started off the class working on kizamzuki gyakizuki to the count of 30 each side focusing on the knee position of the front leg and hip rotation. Next in front stance with our knee against the wall we worked on the hip rotation so we could focus on the knee remaining in the same position for the count of 20 each side. Next with our back foot pressed against the wall we practiced maigeri and the purpose of the exercise was to make sure we returned the foot to the correct position not shortening our stance  we then moved back into the dojo and done maigeri to the count of 40 each side. Next we done many footwork exercises up and down the dojo - driving forward and backwards holding distance between our feet and the correct stance position, then we done two forward motion on one leg switching to the other again forwards and backwards and finally fast bouncing motion forward and backward on the balls of our feet holding stance position and moving forward and backwards quickly (it was pretty tough). The final part of the class we moved onto partner work using the focus pads practicing half step up and front leg mawashegrei, mawashegeri from back leg driving forward, ushiro mawashegeri from back leg again driving forwards.

Three fantastic session to kick the week off and many more to come !

Sunday 17 February 2013

Sunday 17th February

Decided to have a lazy day today - so done some washing and tidied the apartment then spent the rest of the day reading and relaxing and had an afternoon snooze - was really good as needed the rest in preparation for the training week ahead.

I headed out to the Tokyo Dome Baseball Cafe at 5.30pm to grab some dinner before heading home for an early night!


Saturday 16 February 2013

Mount Fuji Adventure - Saturday 16th February

Well it was an early start for my Mount Fuji tour today as we had to meet at 8.40am sharp to catch the bus.

The tour guide was called Harry and he had to be the funniest guy I have ever met in my life - on route to Mount Fuji I think he was meant to be telling us about the sights on route and a bit about Mount Fuji but not Harry he was discussing drug dealing in not only Japan but worldwide and the punishments you get in each country, he talked about how the Japanese never say I love you as its too strong a word they just say like, he talked about the divorce rate in various countries and many other random subjects - he was hiliarious!!!!

Anyway eventually after the comedy act we arrived at Mount Fuji but only managed to get up to the first station as the weather had been really bad the day before and the place was covered in snow - but it was amazing!!!

We had lunch close by Mount Fuji before heading to Hakone and going on a Sightseeing Cruise over Lake Ashi and Cable Car ride but it was pretty good as it was a different boat and route and different cable car from last week when I was here in Hakone.

Then it was time to head back to Tokyo - we arrived back at 7pm so it was time for dinner and a hot bath as it was a very cold day at Mount Fuji.

Friday 15th February

Kanayama Sensei taught the 10.30am session this morning and it was a good one! We started off with front stance stepping forward into a lunge position and holding on the first count then on the second count pushing forward into front stance we done this to the count of 16 forwards and then count of 16 backwards for two sets then one count into lung then stance for the count of 8 forwards and 8 backwards next we done oizuki forwards to the count of 8 and then stepping back for the count of 8. Back stance next in the same format middle position hold then into backstance and squat down followed at the end by making back stance squat then front leg maigeri and finally same format for kibi dach stance. Next we moved up and down the dojo practicing the following techniques broken down into two counts on the way forward and then full speed one count on the way back - oizuki, maigeri oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, shoto uke, shoto uke nukite, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki, side thrust kick, side snap kick and sanbonzuki. We then practised all the Heian katas one time to the count slow and next one time full speed to the count with Kanayama Sensei focusing on the finer details. We finished the class off with kumite and it was myself and Mami both against Hideyoshi Kagawa Sensei for two minutes none stop attacking and he was only allowed to defend and move away.

I headed into Ikebukuro to have a Subway for lunch (delicious) and finally purchase that much needed pair of trainers.


I headed back to the apartment for a snooze and overslept for the 6pm class so only one session this friday evening it was then.

The session was taught by Makita Sensei and it was a great class yet again. First we worked on hip rotation for the count of 40 followed by gyakizuki for the count of 40 on both sides, next legs swings forwards, outside to inside and inside to outside to the count of 10 for each followed by maigeri forward, kekomigeri to the side and mawashegeri forward returning leg into back position for the count of 10 slow then 30 full speed then switching to other side. Next moving up and down the dojo we practised Khion before moving on to do one attack kumite both left and right side one time only. We finished the class with Heian Sandan and Heian Yondan slowly to the count focusing on tension in the muscles at all times, next one time slow to the count relaxed and one time full speed to the count - then we finished the class with kata of our own choice. (Chinte for me tonight)

Thursday 14 February 2013

Thursday 14th February

This mornings session was taught by Nagaki Sensei and it was a tough one! We started with 100 sit ups, 100 leg lifts, 100 crunches, 100 back extensions, 100 back extension rotating side to side followed by 120 push ups. Next with the towels under our feet we practiced front stance to two counts for the count of 16 forwards and 16 backwards for 2 sets then 1 count 1 stance for the count of 8 forwards and 8 backwards followed by oizuki 8 times forwards and 8 backwards, next we did the same for back stance making shoto uke on the final set and finally kibi dach again the same format making gedanbari on the final set. We moved onto to practice Ninjishiho, Bassi sho and Chinte each kata twice to the count slow and one time full speed.

After training I went for lunch with Mami Yoshikoshi to a nice restaurant and had a delicious curry and beer. We had a nice few hours just relaxing and chatting and then it was time to head back to the apartment and get organised for tonights training session. Had a lovely afternoon was fun times.

Evening session was taught by Kagawa Sensei and he made us work hard tonight for sure. First starting with kizamizuki gyakizuki to the count of 40 each left and right side then maigeri, kekomigeri and mawashegeri for the count of 30 each side. Next moving up and down the dojo we done all techniques to the count of 7 with no rest break inbetween (ooft) - front stance, oizuki, maigeri oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, shoto uke, shoto uke nukite, mawashegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki, side snap and thrust kicks and finally ushirogeri. Next we were to throw any attack running forwards and backwards up the dojo - Kagawa Sensei was challenging me to race him but even though I tried to beat him - No Chance for me! Next we done some partner work exercises moving up and down the dojo 6 attacks each direction - oizuki (both chudan and jodan) with partner blocking and countering each attack, next maigeri and mawashegeri again partner blocking and countering any attack followed by any attack partner moving back and blocking and countering final attack. Kagawa Sensei asked me to choose a kata to finish the class off with and I chose kakyoku shodan and we done the kata twice to the count of Kagawa Sensei followed by one time on our own.

Great Training Session today and I am feeling good for tomorrows sessions.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Wednesday 13th February

I was up at 4am to watch the Celtic and Juventus Champions League match and thought the Bhoys played fantastic and regardless of them getting beat 3 - 0 was glad I got up to support my team and was proud of their performance as always - I think the end result was harsh!

Back to bed for a few hours sleep before heading to the dojo for the 10.30am session.

Kai Sensei taught the session this morning we started off with gyakizuki 20 each side followed by leg swings forward, sideways, backwards, outside to inside, inside to outside for the count of 10 each leg then 20 maigeris each leg. Next moving up and down the dojo to the count of 6 each way for the following basics - oizuki, maigeri, age uke gyakizuki, maigeri oizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, mawashegeri, uchi uke gyakizuki, shoto uke, shoto uke ukite. Finishing the basics practicing kekomigeri to the count of 4 for each kick four time forward and four times backwards then side thrust kick and snap kick up and down the dojo to finish. Next we done one attack jodan, chudan, maigeri, kekomigeri, mawashergeri, ushirogeri both legs both partners - my partner was Hideyoshi Kagawa for this exercise - my he is huge! Then next with Okamoto Sensei - every time using different block and counter attack. We finished the class off with the Junro Katas one time each slow with the count and one time fast with the count. After the class I done 70 sit ups, 50 leg lifts and 100 squats.

I headed out to Ikebukero in the afternoon to buy some desperatly needed trainers from the ABC Mart but couldnt decide which ones to buy as there is just too much choice. So headed for some lunch to think about it but still have not decided yet so will need to go back another day.

The evening session was taught by Okamoto Sensei we started the class with hip rotation to the count of 30 on the left and right side before moving onto kizamizuki gyakizuki each punch one count for the count of 10 slow then 20 fast moving onto kizamizuki gyakizuki one count two punches for the count of 20 then kizamizuki gyakizuki in free style driving forward for the count of 10 and then gyakizuki kizamizuki in free style driving forward again for the count of 10 we done these sets both left and right side. Next we done legs swings forwards, sidewards and backwards for the count of 10 each time we done the last five on one leg practicing to balance (not so easy) again we done this both sides. We moved to the back of the class first practicing front stance into a lunge position to two counts forward and backwards for the count of 16 for two sets then moving onto practice khion up and down the dojo before finishing the class with Gojushihosho to the count twice and once on our own full speed.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Tuesday 12th February

Well back to the dojo this morning after yesterdays disappointment of the National Holiday!

The class was taught by Inada Sensei and it was only myself and Watanabe Sensei training in the class. I always feel a little nervous training with Inada Sensei as you never really know whats coming from start to finish. The class started with gyakizuki for the count of 10 slow then 20 full speed both left and right side. Next we done leg swings forward, sidewards, backwards, outside to inside and then inside to outside for the count of 10 each leg. Followed by 10 maigeri's, 10 side thrust kicks and 10 mawashegeri's each leg. Next we moved onto to practice kata we done all the Heian Katas and Junro Katas each one time to the count then one time full speed on our own with no rest break inbetween each kata. Then we moved onto Kankusho twice to the count and then one time on our own full speed to finish. After the class finished I done 70 sit ups, 50 leg lifts and 100 squats and then it was time to have some lunch and rest for the evening sessions.

A relaxing afternoon and a wee snooze and it was time to head back to the dojo.

The first session was taught by Inada Sensei and we started the class running forwards and backwards up the dojo for 5 sets moving onto skipping forwards and backwards for 3 sets and then swinging legs straight in front on the way up the dojo and swinging legs sideways on way back for 3 sets. Next we did gyakizuki to the count of 30 left and right side and then maigeri for the count of 30 left and right side. We moved on to practice khion up and down the dojo - oizuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, maigeri, shoto uke, mawashegeri and maigeri oizuki. All to various counts as Inada Sensei was correcting students along the way and repeating exercises to help them as he was correcting them. We finished the class with partner work practicing gyakizuki first, then moving onto gyakizuki with partner blocking and countering the technique and finishing with light kumite. (my partner was a 5 year old white belt so I was getting a chance to recover for the next session)

The last session of today was taught by Matsue Sensei we started the class with 70 squats then moved onto to practice each of the following on both sides for the count of 20 - kizamizuki gyakizuki (one count one punch) then kizamizuki gyakizuki (two punches one count) followed by gyakizuki kizamizuki (two punches one count). Next we practiced maigeri to the count of 30 and then a final set of with the first 5 being single kicks then next 4 double kick and the final count of 5 kicks again doing this both sides. Next we practiced kekomigeri 10 times both the left and right side for the count of 4 each kick. Moving onto to do 10 side snap kicks and 10 side thrust kicks to the count both sides. We practiced Heian Godan to the count twice and then one time full speed to the count followed by Gion twice to the count slow and one time full speed to the count. Followed by kata of our choice twice to finish. (Meikyo Neidan).

Early bed tonight as up at 4.30am to watch the Celtic V Juventus Champions League match before training.

Monday 11 February 2013

Monday 11th February

Well up early and buzzing to get back to the dojo for training. Headed out for a quick bit of breakfast on route of coffee and yoghurt and arrived at 10am sharp but the dojo was closed. I waited around until 10.30am and realised nobody was coming as the dojo must be closed for the day gutted!! It turns out it is a public holiday today in Japan that I didnt know about!

Honbu Dojo
So back to the apartment to get the holiday washing done and update the blog for the last few days.

I headed out to Ueno for a coffee but the place was manic with it being the National Holiday everyone was out for the day.

So it was a day for resting - nothing else to report!

Sunday 10 February 2013

Kyoto Adventure - Sunday 10th February

Up as early as possible to grab some breakfast at Starbucks before heading off to Kyoto on the Shinkansen from Shin-Osaka Station.

Kyoto was extremely busy today so many tourists and sightseeing buses everywhere. I decided to hop onto one of the buses and had not a clue where I was going just pot luck really where I would get off.

I wandered around Kyoto visiting many temples and shrines on the way before heading to Nijo Castle (which has to be the nicest place that I have seen on my adventures - loved it) and finishing of at Kyoto Imperial Palace and Park.

One of many Temples

Nijo Castle
Kyoto Imperial Palace and Gardens
Then I decided to walk from the park to the station which took me just under an hour - so was exhausted after the god know how many miles I had walked today. I booked onto the 6.30pm Shinkansen to head back to Tokyo as it was time to get back to the dojo to training for the final three weeks of my time here.

A few beers on the train on the way home followed by dinner in Ueno and it was bedtime.

Osaka Visit to Chris Doonan's Dojo - Saturday 9th February

I had arranged to meet Chris at his dojo in Osaka so after two train rides followed by a subway ride and a taxi journey I made it at last.

I spent a few hours chatting with Chris and watching the children train and even done a bit of refereeing for the kids kumite matches. It was a fun few hours which I really enjoyed. But it was time to head off and find my hotel I had booked for the evening in Osaka. Kyoto was fully booked so I was going to spend the night in Osaka and head off to Kyoto early in the morning.

I arrrived at my hotel which was fairly easy to find and it looked nice enough - the bonus was it had a starbucks in the hotel so I was in my element.

I checked into my room then headed for a coffee and cake at starbucks - well it would be rude not to eh!

To be honest there was not much around the hotel and the room was basic so not the best part of my trip. I decided to just relax in a bath then head to starbucks for a coffee plus I get wifi in Starbucks so could browse facebook for a while. Once I went back to my room I had to call and complain about the noise of the air conditioning (even when it was switched off) but was basically told tough thats the way it was and nothing they could do! Thanks for the help such friendly staff not!

Universal Studios Osaka - Friday 8th February

After an early morning Spa in the hotel I set off the 2 minute walk to Universal Studios. As I arrived at the gate a snow blizzard began and although it looked rather pretty and was nice seeing the snow fall over Universal Studios I was dreading the long wet and cold day that might lye ahead. However, after about 10 minutes the blizzard stopped and although it was a cold day I was going to have fun.

I was very proud of myself today as I overcame my fear of rollercoasters and went on all the rides. I even went on the Jurrasic Park Ride - which had a 30 foot drop into the water - get me!
Some of the rides I went on were Back to the Future, Spidermans Adventure, Jurrasic Park The Ride, Jaws and Space Fantasy.

Had an amazing day and even managed to get Shepherds Pie for lunch - Result!

Oh I even got my photo taken with Pink Panther ha ha

I headed back to the hotel to get showered before heading to Bubba Gumps for dinner and then off to bed as was tired after all the excitement of today.