Tuesday 5 March 2013

Tuesday 5th March - First Visit back to JKS Scotland Honbu Dojo

Well my first visit back to the Honbu Dojo in Scotland today for the early morning class and it was fantastic to be back in the dojo and to be training with Paul Sensei again.

It was a fitness session and we started with a warm up of 1 minute spells, running on the spot, running kicking heels to backside, jumping feet out shoulder width then back in, swinging left leg to touch right hand then a small skip inbetween changing side to side, skip to the left then squat then to the right then squat changing side to side, left knee to right elbow small skip and then right knee to left elbow again changing side to side, side lunges with small skips in between, star jumps, jump up knees to the chest.

Next we moved onto to use the TRX, VIPR, kettlebells, resistance bands and the medicine balls to work circuits.

We worked one minute on each station and the first circuit was as follows holding the TRX lean back and squat up and down, next with the VIPR we touched the ground with the VIPR in the squat position pushing back up and pushing the VIPR up above our heads, next with a kettlebell in each hand we done squats, the next station we had the tube under our feet in shoulder width position and the tube pulled over our shoulders squatting and finishing the set holding the medicine ball squatting down to touch the floor and pushing up above our heads. We rested for 15 seconds inbetween each station and repeated this twice.

The next circuit using the same equipment we started off with the TRX keeping arms at chest height and elbows out to the side and body leaning back we pulled up and back not allowing the TRX to slacken, next the VIBR over the back of our heads and pushing up and returning to the same position, next the kettlebells down to touch floor pull up to centre position and then push up above our heads,  next with the resistance band we stood our left foot on the band and crossed the band over stretching arms out straight we moved the arms behind our body then in a straight line out in front to touch (clapping motion) and finishing this circuit off with the medicine ball in our hands and stretching to push to the forty five degree angle then back to the centre rotating left to right. Again we done the circuit twice with 15 seconds rest inbetween each exercise.

Next we done five sets of running up and down the dojo for one minute at a time with 15 seconds rest inbetween each set.

After a cooldown a few of us stayed onto practice kata. Today we practiced Kakyoku Shodan, Kakyoko Neidan and Kakyoku Sandan, Meikyo Neidan and Joko Issei.

Saturday 2nd March

Well the day has arrived for me to leave Japan and head home to Scotland.

Although I am looking forward to going home to see family and friends and get back to normality. I am also very sad to leave Japan as this has been the most amazing experience.

Last minute packing done this morning and its time to head to the airport!

Friday 1 March 2013

Friday 1st March - Last Training Day in Tokyo

My legs are very tired and heavy and feeling the hard efforts of yesterdays training session but it was my last day so I was off to the 10.30am session to train with Kanayama Sensei we started the class with two towels under our feet practicing first of all hip rotation to the count of 30, followed by 30 gyakizukis and 30 kizamizuki gyakizukis switching the other side and repeating. At all times to keep your feet in the correct position without sliding you need to focus on the muscles in the inner thigh and its pretty sore. Next without the towels under our feet we did 10 kizamizuki gyakizukis to the count on both the left and right side. Next with the towel under only the front foot we practiced maigeri to 4 counts for 10 sets then one count one kick to the count of 30 then switched to the other side and repeated. Then without the towel we did 10 full speed on each side. Next we moved to the back of the dojo practicing khion with the towels under both feet first we practiced front stance and back stance to two counts up and down the dojo moving onto to practice one count up and down the dojo. Next we did each of the following to 6 counts forwards and 6 counts back - oizuki, sanbonzuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, gedanbari gyakizuki and shuto uke (all still with the towels under our feet) We took the towels away and practiced maigeri, maigeri oizuki, mawshegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki and side snap and thrust kicks to finish the khion section of the class. Next we practiced Heian Shodan to the count twice again with the towels under our feet and then we done the same kata but starting on the opposite side again with the towels under our feet twice with the count. Without the towels we did the kata one time full speed on our own starting first from the correct side and next the opposite side. We finished the class with Meikyo Nidan to the count 4 times and then one time full speed on our own.

I headed out for some lunch with Mami Yoshikoshi who had bought me some delicious cakes as a farewell present. I felt really tired afterwards so headed back to the apartment for a sleep before the evening sessions and my final training of the trip.


The first evening session was taught by Kanayama Sensei we started the class off with 100 sit ups followed by 60 leg lifts, 50 back extensions and 50 back extensions rotating side to side. Next sitting on the floor we done maigeri upwards for the count of 30 each leg then kneeling on the floor we practiced oizuki to the count of 30 then double punch to the count of 30 followed by triple punch to the count of 30. Then standing on one leg we practiced oizuki for the count of 20 each side and then the same for maigeri on one leg to the count of 20 each side. Next we hopped on one leg to the left and made oizuki then to the right and made oizuki for the count of 10 then the same hopping fowards and backwards on both legs. We then repeated this exercise with maigeri. We finished this part of the class with gyakizuki on both left and right side to the count of 10 full speed and then maigeri for the count of 10 full speed on both the left and right side. Makita Sensei taught the second half of the class and we practiced Jion to the count three times. The class was then split into two groups and we had to do Jion one time full speed then the next group done the kata full speed as we rested and then we had to do this one time again each group. We finished the class off with Kata of our own choice. (Chinte)

Session 121 and my final session was taught by Makita Sensei as this was my last class Makita Sensei asked me to choose a Koten Kata to practice so I chose Hachimon we practiced this 5 times to the count of Makita Sensei slowly. Next we were to practice on our own - there were only three students in the class so the young black belt was practicing Unsu, the other student Heian Yondan and Junro Neidan and I was to continue practicing Hachimon. Throughout the class Makita Sensei and Kanayama Sensei were helping each of us with our individula katas. At the end we all had to perform our own kata one time full speed one at a time.

Thursday 28th February

I was feeling a little tired this morning after the many beers last night but it was off to the dojo for the 10.30am session with Nagaki Sensei. We done a fitness style class to begin with we done the following exercises - 100 sit ups, 50 leg lifts, 50 rotating pull ups, 50 back extensions, 50 rotating back extensions, 30 push ups, 30 push ups arms wider then shoulder width, 30 push ups both hands centre of the body, 30 push ups on our knuckles and finishing off with 100 lunges. We then practiced all the Heian Katas and Tekki Shodan each one time to the count slow and then one time to the count full speed. Nagaki Sensei and Yamaguchi Sensei throughout this section of the class were helping me improve certain parts of each kata to make them more accurate and faster. Yamaguchi Sensei asked me to chose a kata to finish the class off with and I chose Kakyoku Sandan - Nagaki Sensei done this kata with me three times slowly to the count.

After training I headed to the Tokyo Skytree (this is the tallest building in the world at 634 metre high) as this was the only thing left for me to do on the trip so would be a shame not to go. However, when I arrived it was a busy day even for a Thursday afternoon. I had to queue for over an hour to get a ticket and then 20 minutes for the lift so I was a little tired and grumpy by then. I headed up to the viewing Gallery at 450 meters high which is the highest view point and it was a termendous day so the view over Tokyo was fantastic.

I headed back for a late lunch before a quick snooze in preperation for the evenings two training sessions.

The first evening session was taught by Kanayama Sensei we started the class with 100 squats in the kibi dach position with the final 10 holding in the stance at the lowest point pushing down on our own legs ouch! At this point Yamaguchi Sensei was leaving the dojo he looked at me and smiled in  a laughing kind of manner and the look he gave me said good luck! Next we did oizuki in the kibi dach stance for the count of 30 for two sets. Next in front stance we practiced gyakizuki to the count of 30 on both the left and right side followed by kizamizuki gyakizuki for the count of 30 both the left and right side. Next in cat stance we practiced maigeri off the front leg for the count of 50 on both the left and right side and by this point my legs were aching. We finished the class off with Heian Yondan, Junro Shodan, Junro Neidan and Junro Sandan each kata to the count one time slow and one time full speed.

The final session was taught by Matsue Sensei - the first section of the class focused on many exercises practicing maigeri and my already sore legs were taking more punishment. First we stood on one leg and to the count we lifted knee to chest in preperation for maigeri and then returned the leg down without touching the floor to the count of 40 both left and right side for two sets then we moved on to swing the leg forward and back again standing on one leg for the count of 40 both left and right side for two sets. Next sitting on the floor we practiced maigeri kick upwards for the count of 30 each leg for two sets and finally in front stance maigeri for the count of 30 left and right side. By this point no pain as I could no longer feel my legs. Next we practiced khion up and down the dojo followed by one attack jodan, chudan, maigeri, kekomigeri and mawashegeri both left anbd right side with two different partners before finishing the class off with Heian Yondan to the count two times and one time on our own full speed.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Wednesday 27th February

Another morning training session with Inada Sensei and we started off with gyakizuki to the count of 30 left and right side followed by maigeri to the count of 30 left and right side. Next we done kata training all the Heian Katas, Tekki Shodan, Tekki Neidan and Tekki Sandan all once slow to the count then one time full speed to the count. Next we moved onto to practice Joko 1sei, Joko 2sei and Joko 3sei all twice to the count. We finished the kata off practicing Joko 4sei to the count 3 times and one time on my own to the count of Okamoto Sensei. Okamoto Sensei was very pleased that I had managed to pick up all four katas and remember them in such a short time.

The first evening session was taught by Kanayama Sensei we started the class off with kata training we done all the Heian katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count followed by Junro Shodan and Junro Neidan again one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count. The Kyu grades then stayed on to do the Heian kata for their grade followed by the Dan grades doing Heian Godan and Junro Neidan one time each full speed. We finished the session with free style kumite.

The final session of the day was taught by Yamaguchi Sensei and this is a tough class to detail I am afraid. We spent the first half of the session working on various exercises to work our joints to be more relaxed and flexible so many exercises on the shoulders practicing the snap movement and  same with the hips. We then moved onto kata practice doing Kakyoku Shodan and Chinte both to the count 3 times each the first two slow and the next one fast.

After training I headed out for dinner with Matsue Sensei, Okamoto Sensei and a few students from the Honbu Dojo. We ate loads of delicious Japanese food and drank many beers and had a have fun evening.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tuesday 26th February

Off to the dojo for the early training session with Inada Sensei and we started the session off with pad work. Watanabe Sensei held the focus mitts for me and we started with gyakizuki on the spot focusing on making contact with full speed and power when hitting the pads, next we done sliding forward gyakizuki, maigeri back leg returning leg into back position, kizamimaigeri,  mawashegeri and finally ushiro mawashegeri - each of the exercises we done to the count of 30 on both the left and right side. The next exercise we practicised with our partners was any kick attack for the count of 30 followed by any two hand attacks plus any kick for 10 sets at own count - I scored a great mawashegeri jodan on Watanabe Sensei and he along with the rest of the instructors applauded me - felt pretty cool! We finished the class practicing Joko 1sei 3 times to the count and once on our own half speed followed by Joko 3sei 3 times to the count and once on our own half speed.


I had another stressful afternoon trying to pack the case and I am getting there on the third attempt although may need to sit and jump on it to get it to close.

A wee scottish snack in the afternoon before training.

The evening session was taught by Matsue Sensei we started the class off with light kumite to warm up with 5 partners for 1 minute at a time. Next we moved onto to kata training we practiced Tekki Shodan and all the Heian Katas one time to the count slow, one time full speed to the count and one time on our own full speed. Next we practiced Jion, Chinte and Unsu again each kata two times slow to the count and one time full speed to the count. We finished off with kata of our own choice and I chose Chinte as we had just practiced it and no way was I chosing Unsu!

Monday 25 February 2013

Monday 25th Februray

Well here goes for my last week of training - the 10.30am class was taught by Nagaki Sensei and it was a monday morning wake up call for sure.

We started the class off with 50 gyakizukis left and then right side, next we done 100 squats in kibi dach stance, then oizuki for the count of 50 in kibi dach stance followed by 30 maigeris each left and right side. Next with a chair in front we practiced 50 maigeri's using the chair to make sure we created the correct route out and back and then 10 mawashegeris over the chair again making sure the knee position was correct at all times we done this on both the left and right side. We practiced front stance to two counts to the count of 14 forwards then backwards, 50 sit ups, back stance to two counts for the count of 14 forwards and backwards, 50 leg lifts, kibidach stance to two count for the count of 14 forwards and backwards, 50 rotations left elbow and right knee connecting and switch each time again for the count of 50, oizuki in front stance for the count of 7 forwards then backwards, arms and legs both straight lifting to meet in the middle for the count of 30, maigeri forward for the count of 7 then turn maigeri oizuki for the count of 7, 50 back extensions, 50 rotating back extensions, age uke gyakizuki forward and back for the count of 7 each way, 30 push ups, soto uke gyakizuki for the count of 7 each way, 30 push ups arms further out then shoulder width, mawashegeri forwards for 7 then back mawashegri gyakizuki for the count of 7, 30 push ups hands in centre of body, uchi uke gyakizuki for the count of 7 forwards and backwards, 30 push ups on knuckles, side snap and side thrust kick together for 3 counts forwards and backwards. Next we practiced Kibaken three times to the count followed by Kakusen twice to the count.

After training and a quick bite to eat I decided I was going to attempt to start packing as I am panicking a little as to how I will get all my stuff home at the weekend. Well got most stuff packed and washed but still not convinced that everything will fit in oh no!

I headed back to the dojo for the evening sessions the first one taught by Kai Sensei and we started off with 30 gyakizukis left and right side then 30 kizamizuki gyakizukis left and right side followed by 30 gyakizukis kizamizukis left and right side and finally 3 punches one count for 10 repetitions each side. Next we done maigeri kizamimaigeri for the count of 30 on the left and right side followed by kizamimaigeri maigeri to the count of 30 left and right side. We then moved onto practice kata we done all the Heian Katas one time slow to the count and one time full speed to the count followed by Jion and Kankudai each of these katas one time slow to the count, one time fast to the count and one time full speed on our own.

The final session of the day was taught by Watanabe Sensei we done gyakizuki, kizamizuki gyakizuki and gyakizuki kizamizuki each for the count of 30 both left and right side. Next we practiced maigeri, kekomigero and mawashegeri each kick one count for the count of 30 followed by one count 3 kicks for the count of 10 both left and right side. Next moving up and down the dojo we practiced khion focusing on not lifting the back heel off the ground when moving forwards and backwards, not moving the front foot sideways before driving forwards and not rocking back on the heel when pushing backwards. We finished the class with some kumite drills practicing kizamizuki attack, then any double hand attack before moving onto free style kumite to finish the class.