Tuesday 5 March 2013

Tuesday 5th March - First Visit back to JKS Scotland Honbu Dojo

Well my first visit back to the Honbu Dojo in Scotland today for the early morning class and it was fantastic to be back in the dojo and to be training with Paul Sensei again.

It was a fitness session and we started with a warm up of 1 minute spells, running on the spot, running kicking heels to backside, jumping feet out shoulder width then back in, swinging left leg to touch right hand then a small skip inbetween changing side to side, skip to the left then squat then to the right then squat changing side to side, left knee to right elbow small skip and then right knee to left elbow again changing side to side, side lunges with small skips in between, star jumps, jump up knees to the chest.

Next we moved onto to use the TRX, VIPR, kettlebells, resistance bands and the medicine balls to work circuits.

We worked one minute on each station and the first circuit was as follows holding the TRX lean back and squat up and down, next with the VIPR we touched the ground with the VIPR in the squat position pushing back up and pushing the VIPR up above our heads, next with a kettlebell in each hand we done squats, the next station we had the tube under our feet in shoulder width position and the tube pulled over our shoulders squatting and finishing the set holding the medicine ball squatting down to touch the floor and pushing up above our heads. We rested for 15 seconds inbetween each station and repeated this twice.

The next circuit using the same equipment we started off with the TRX keeping arms at chest height and elbows out to the side and body leaning back we pulled up and back not allowing the TRX to slacken, next the VIBR over the back of our heads and pushing up and returning to the same position, next the kettlebells down to touch floor pull up to centre position and then push up above our heads,  next with the resistance band we stood our left foot on the band and crossed the band over stretching arms out straight we moved the arms behind our body then in a straight line out in front to touch (clapping motion) and finishing this circuit off with the medicine ball in our hands and stretching to push to the forty five degree angle then back to the centre rotating left to right. Again we done the circuit twice with 15 seconds rest inbetween each exercise.

Next we done five sets of running up and down the dojo for one minute at a time with 15 seconds rest inbetween each set.

After a cooldown a few of us stayed onto practice kata. Today we practiced Kakyoku Shodan, Kakyoko Neidan and Kakyoku Sandan, Meikyo Neidan and Joko Issei.

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