Friday 1 March 2013

Friday 1st March - Last Training Day in Tokyo

My legs are very tired and heavy and feeling the hard efforts of yesterdays training session but it was my last day so I was off to the 10.30am session to train with Kanayama Sensei we started the class with two towels under our feet practicing first of all hip rotation to the count of 30, followed by 30 gyakizukis and 30 kizamizuki gyakizukis switching the other side and repeating. At all times to keep your feet in the correct position without sliding you need to focus on the muscles in the inner thigh and its pretty sore. Next without the towels under our feet we did 10 kizamizuki gyakizukis to the count on both the left and right side. Next with the towel under only the front foot we practiced maigeri to 4 counts for 10 sets then one count one kick to the count of 30 then switched to the other side and repeated. Then without the towel we did 10 full speed on each side. Next we moved to the back of the dojo practicing khion with the towels under both feet first we practiced front stance and back stance to two counts up and down the dojo moving onto to practice one count up and down the dojo. Next we did each of the following to 6 counts forwards and 6 counts back - oizuki, sanbonzuki, age uke gyakizuki, soto uke gyakizuki, uchi uke gyakizuki, gedanbari gyakizuki and shuto uke (all still with the towels under our feet) We took the towels away and practiced maigeri, maigeri oizuki, mawshegeri, mawashegeri gyakizuki and side snap and thrust kicks to finish the khion section of the class. Next we practiced Heian Shodan to the count twice again with the towels under our feet and then we done the same kata but starting on the opposite side again with the towels under our feet twice with the count. Without the towels we did the kata one time full speed on our own starting first from the correct side and next the opposite side. We finished the class with Meikyo Nidan to the count 4 times and then one time full speed on our own.

I headed out for some lunch with Mami Yoshikoshi who had bought me some delicious cakes as a farewell present. I felt really tired afterwards so headed back to the apartment for a sleep before the evening sessions and my final training of the trip.


The first evening session was taught by Kanayama Sensei we started the class off with 100 sit ups followed by 60 leg lifts, 50 back extensions and 50 back extensions rotating side to side. Next sitting on the floor we done maigeri upwards for the count of 30 each leg then kneeling on the floor we practiced oizuki to the count of 30 then double punch to the count of 30 followed by triple punch to the count of 30. Then standing on one leg we practiced oizuki for the count of 20 each side and then the same for maigeri on one leg to the count of 20 each side. Next we hopped on one leg to the left and made oizuki then to the right and made oizuki for the count of 10 then the same hopping fowards and backwards on both legs. We then repeated this exercise with maigeri. We finished this part of the class with gyakizuki on both left and right side to the count of 10 full speed and then maigeri for the count of 10 full speed on both the left and right side. Makita Sensei taught the second half of the class and we practiced Jion to the count three times. The class was then split into two groups and we had to do Jion one time full speed then the next group done the kata full speed as we rested and then we had to do this one time again each group. We finished the class off with Kata of our own choice. (Chinte)

Session 121 and my final session was taught by Makita Sensei as this was my last class Makita Sensei asked me to choose a Koten Kata to practice so I chose Hachimon we practiced this 5 times to the count of Makita Sensei slowly. Next we were to practice on our own - there were only three students in the class so the young black belt was practicing Unsu, the other student Heian Yondan and Junro Neidan and I was to continue practicing Hachimon. Throughout the class Makita Sensei and Kanayama Sensei were helping each of us with our individula katas. At the end we all had to perform our own kata one time full speed one at a time.

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